
  1. gezmeister

    Fuel cap release button?

    When you press this, is the fuel cap meant to pop out? When i press mine, it seems to just unlock it, and i have to wedge my finger/nail underneath to prise it open????
  2. wayne lcr

    seized valve cap

    does any 1 no how to get a ceased valve cap of without damaging the valve:cry: and also i got a lcr and its deloveped a flat spot any ideas what it could be any help to either would be greatfull thanks
  3. Mashburn

    Petrol cap release and changing the time on a Cupra R???

    Help me PLEEEAAASE! :) Why is there 2 petrol cap switches, and why doesnt one of them work? Only the one near the handbrake works. Also, how do i change the time on the clock? Thanks
  4. vwbassett

    Washer cap

    Hi, i had sprayed my washer cap in satin black and it looked good for a while but is now tatty as has be opened and closed a few times so the paint has flaked slightly. Do you think it would still work if i just used to cap part and cut off the hinging section?
  5. power steering cap ???????????

    hi can anyone tell me how to open the power steering cap (its flat) on a leon cupra 2001??? i feel very dumb lol:D
  6. Fuel Cap Door??

    i bought a seat leon 1.9tdi SE 110bhp 2000 X-reg. bought 2 weeks ago. the fuel cap door has never worked sincei had it tho. There is a button inside but it doesnt do anything from what i can see. been to seat dealer who said it was solanoid, but he never looked at the car to diagnose...
  7. please help petrol flap fault

    hi i went out in the car last week and went to fill up with fuel and pushed the button and nothing so left it till later and then it opened :confused: and then this week it done the same again any one know any thing about it? going to france in it next week dont want it happening there
  8. kyle18uk

    Relocating fuel cap

    Hello, Im thinking that I want to relocate my fuel filler cap, either to the door shut or inside the boot, I've found a small flush fit cap from demon tweeks but anyone know of how I would sort out the fuel hose to the tank? Is there a way of adapting the original? Any help would be good...
  9. J0N

    Alloy Washer Bottle Cap

    Anyone know where I can get an alloy washer bottle cap? I saw one on a car at the Inters but the guy was'nt there to ask. Tried Forge but no luck.
  10. Wheel Centre Cap removal

    Sorry i know this is more of a general question- but i have just got a Toledo v5, and i want to change the wheels as im not too keen on them. However, i cant find the centre cap removal tool anywhere!! Is there anywhere i can buy one, or indeed has anyone got a spare one? Cheers Alex
  11. Blacksmoke/fuel cap

    Hi all im a new member,i just bought my white leon cupra tdi rep,very nice car chuffed with it,although there is a couple of issues with it. every now and then the car spits out black smoke,now i noticed that there is too much oil in it(innit) ha only joking,could this have something to do with...
  12. jordyboy004

    Fuel Cap Button Release

    just had to replace my fuel cap and now with the new one on when i press the button inside the car to release the cap it wont pop open. took the whole unit off again and had a mate press the button while i checked the pin. pin seems to go in and out freely when the button is pressed so obv in...
  13. Petrol Cap HELP

    Hi there. I have had my Leon for just 2 weeks now and love it! I have noticed this week though that the petrol cap doesnt lock. I.e. ANYONE can gain access to remove (steal!) my fuel or worse put something else in!? i dont like the idea of this. Does anyone know if i can get a locking...
  14. Leon Fuel Cap Release! HELP

    Hi guys. I've recently fixed my smoothed boot release. I decided to wire it onto the fuel cap release feed. Worked perfect. However yesterday i put two tyres in the boot which i didnt release had compressed on the glass which would apply pressure onto the lock, went to open the boot and it...
  15. power cap

    just bought a power cap for my amp, i am running at about a 1000w powering one alpine 12inch alpine sub, some times my lights dim when i have it on loud, i thought the power cap might sort this problem, but from reading on here its seems some people claim that they drain yor car even more or...
  16. jordyboy004

    Fuel Cap Replacement

    did try and do a search for this but couldnt seem to find anything. going to be getting my car resprayed soon and as my pertrol cap is broke at the hinge, currently perflexed it back together. was wondering how easy it is to replace one. had a quick look at it today but cant seem to figure out...
  17. Makey_FR

    Centre cap Seat stickers

    im after getting my standard FR 16 inch wheels sprayed in a gun metal colour, along with the centre caps, so i need some new 'S' stickers for the centre of them, any help appreciated, cheers
  18. Ash-Kennard

    creamy Gunk on my oil cap :S

    one of my pipes fell off so i was about to put a new hose on, when for some reason i decided to look in the oil cap, its got this random creamy white **** on it. can anyone tell me what this is and what it mean please 1.4 8v. drive about 40 miles a day every day but dont really rag it about tbh
  19. valve cap thingy

    hi, this is a bit odd, but when changin my turbo hoses today sum how i managed to make the valve cap on what i think is a valve from the radiator a bit loose, which then fell into my engine bay and has now vanished. i was jus wondering if any one knows what the valve is for and how i would go...
  20. Gordz

    How to open fuel filler cap?!?!?!

    Basically my question is... How do you open the fuel filler cap?!?!?!?! My brother has just bought one and can't figure out how to open it, i've suggested doing it the way we do for our mk3s, but by the sounds of it that doesn't seem to work. Please help!!!! Oh, and before you...
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