
  1. shaunymac

    Cupra is broken

    Hi Guys, So I was pulling out of a petrol garage this afternoon put my foot down and bang the car went in to limp mode. EPC light cam on the dash so took it to my local stealers turns out it is down to the fuel pressure valve? any one had any similar experiences?
  2. Broken sun visor, passenger

    the passenger sun visor has snapped from the swivel joint, which I seems stuck in the holder. Does a new visor come with this swivel join attached and where's the best place to get it from? thanks
  3. rikwheeler

    Broken engine mount

    Hey guys. Know this is probably a daft question but which part have a broken here? :cry: Is it the gearbox mount? Is there an uprated part I can get to replace this?
  4. broken spring

    hi guys not had anything for a while.last friday on way to work front spring broke,had to take partners car,thought the removal of spring assembly would be an akward job to do, to my surprise it was simple enough job.Got new one on wedensday and fitted back onto the car job in total took about...
  5. A.m.C_Ibiza1

    Guide To Fix a Broken Electric Window Switch!

    Ever had your electric window decide it doesnt want to play ball? Will go up no problem but wont go down, sometimes goes down sometimes wont budge? This is probably a cheap fix to the problem! First of all remove the plastic trim from the doorcard so you can remove your switch.. Next...
  6. killer205

    broken window regulators

    hi all can i ask dose anyone have a broken electric window regulator for the ibiza gti 1998 that i could possible buy of them PM me or Email me [email protected] cheers
  7. LeedsLeon

    Door lock broken

    Hi all My key fob broke a long time ago, so the car has just been locked and unlocked with the door lock. Yesterday the door lock wouldn't lock. When you turn the key to lock it just clicks like it isn't quite engaging something. Try and unlock it and its fine. A nice positive motion...
  8. Broken drivers wing mirror

    Hi im having real trouble in replacing my broken drivers side wing mirror, its for a red leon cupra and its also electric. Does anybody here know of places? Thnx in advance :)
  9. barryg

    Glow Plug Connector Rail Broken

    I got the engine mgt light on, I pluged it in got electrical fault to glow plug 2 3 and 4, When I looked at the plugs they are fine the problem seems to be with the plastic rail that connects to all the plugs, it is cracked on each of the legs that branch off to each plug. one leg is...
  10. coil spring broken

    Anyone else had this occur at all? It seems an unusual occurance. It's the wifes 1.2. 52 plate with 32000 miles on it. She heard a clunking noise so i've investigated and the coil spring has snapped! Cars sitting nice and low on one side! No previous accidents on the car at all. Can't...
  11. danny20vt

    ooops!! broken headunit??

    Tried taking my 'aura' tape player out today, used advice on here and tried using 2 hacksaw blades, in the slot on the right i felt like a clip but on the left there was nothing, i couldnt get it out so i left it but i went out later and now i have no sounds?? all the lights are on but it won't...
  12. How to: Fix broken Load Signal cable from Alternator

    If your Traction control or ESP warning light comes on after about 10 minutes of driving and won't go off until you turn the engine off, then there is a Strong possibility that your "Load Signal" cable has snapped. Unfortunately due to a slight Design flaw in the wiring loom, it seems to be a...
  13. Any one with a broken air con unit?

    I've had my car for 12 months now and not long after i'd got it i noticed the LCD on the aircon unit was starting to go black as if the screen had cracked. It then started on the other side. I hadn't knocked it. Although it functions fine the screen is totally unreadable. Anyway i was...
  14. A.m.C_Ibiza1

    1.4 cutting out

    Evening All! i have come all the way over from the MK3 department! to make a long story short, i have been having issues with a MK2 ibiza! Its a baby 1.4 and has a P.I.T.A intermittent fault, it will occasionaly fire up from cold and cut out straight away and more recently it has been...
  15. Broken Turbo, what options? (~£2000)

    Hello, and welcome to another of James' "My S3 is broken" threads My turbo has started to make a very faint/subtle ticking noise so im not expecting it to last that long. What are my options? A replacement K04 isnt one! I would love to go BT but im affraid its jusnt not possible at the...
  16. passenger side window electrics broken

    my window on the passenger side is broke, i think it has come off the runners of the electric window mechanism as i can still hear it trying to work, iv got the window up and taped with duct tape but wondering how difficult is it to try and repair this myself anyone ever had to to similar cheers...
  17. winter's broken my car!

    ever since this sudden snap of freezing temps and snow has come about my car has taken a bit of a beating! so far; won't start first thing (see "cold start problem" thread) passenger door handle sticks rear washer jet blocked up no reverse lights despite new bulbs and good fuses no number...
  18. greesha

    Broken mirror

    Hello, Ive got a problem. Some :censored: kicked off my right hand side mirror. Can anyone advice me something ? Anyone knows any good mechanic around slough that can repair me this for a reasonable price? All help greatly appreciated. Mirror is intact and electric steering works...
  19. Broken spring!

    Heard a bang last night so had a look today and my drivers side front spring has snapped. Dont really want to lower it and thats all ebay has to offer. Is it best to change them as a pair or will one be ok? By the way its a 1.8T cupra
  20. Broken iPOD Dock

    Anone had problems with the stock factory ipod dock the one that lives under the drtivers seat. My 57plate TDI 140 Sport has had one unit replaced under warranty and now that's failed (after 3 months) to make matters worse the dealer refuses to look at it again claiming i have abused it...
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