
  1. djrichard

    My Cars Broken!

    Was driving the other day and as i was going around a roundabout the car made a strange thumping noise and sort of lurched a bit. Best way to describe it would be to say it felt like I had went into a huge pothole, but there was not actually any pothole there. Pulled over to the side of the...
  2. Erm.. its broken....

    Hi guys/gals... Was out for a drive 2nite when... i lost 1st/2nd/3rd/4th gears.. you can get it into gear but its very very hard to do.... have to really force it.. Before this i had the stiff clutch pedal and it had started to creak.. anyone help me out with whats gone? and about how...
  3. Broken LCR

    Hi just got in my car and about 5 mins down the road it started knoicking from the engine pulled up and popped the bonnet it was still doing it any ideas on what it could be thanks just called Seat assitance
  4. Russ_20vt

    Cassette player is broken? :( Ideas?

    Hey Guys, Ive had a search but it didnt come up with my exact answers. I went today and bought a cassette adapter for my Sony DC5, so i can plug it in and run through the tape player. I put the tape and nothing happens at all, no movement, no sound , nothing. Could there be a fuse gone? or...
  5. Broken Coin Tray

    Hi, I have a broken coing tray on my Girlfriends Ibiza, it doesnt stay in ! Does anyone know how to fix this, or how easy is it to replace? Thanks
  6. grq

    broken glove box

    the right hinge of my glove box has somehow broken and it wont sit right when closed. if i pull the bottom right hand corner of the glove box the plastic hinge comes fully out! any ideas if this is a quick simple fix or a case of "mr dealer i need you to fix something" :wtf:
  7. Tailgate springy rubber stopper thing broken

    Hi all Bought a mark 2 Leon on 11 November and something's broken off already :( I was giving it a wash today and opened the tailgate to leather off the drips and the passenger side springy rubber stopper thing (I don't know the correct name for it) :confused: fell to bits and landed in...
  8. Broken cigar lighter... advice?

    Hi guys, the cigar lighter on my tol is broken (b00!) so I can't charge my phone/headset... Now i've checked the fuse and thats fine, what else can I check? How can I get to the back of it to check the connections? Any tips? Cheers guys
  9. Chemical Al

    Broken Down

    My brother has got a 2.0 fsi, 126 Miles on the clock and it broke down today. :( not good
  10. Ouch - Broken ECU

    Hi, I have just been told that my car (1.6 sport) needs a new ECU! I think my pocket is going to hurt for a while from this £460 + fitting hit! The problem began with intermitent starting, it would fire up but stall after 2-3 seconds. Also at times it felt like it was lacking performance...
  11. gadgetmaster

    Broken Horn

    Got in my cupra last night for a spin after fitting my jetex replacement air filter which makes the car feel alot more responsive.Anyway i was slowly going my own business when some twat pulled out in front of me i quickly leant on the horn and nothing. I miss that little barp from the :car...
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