
  1. Auto locking doors??

    has anyone been able to make there ibiza auto lock over 15mph and unlock when you remove the key?? tried it on vag-com but cant access the central locking part to be able to do it?? just done it on the mrs lupo gti, and want to do it too mine any info would be good, cheers ian
  2. Haddock

    I'm Auto Emocional! - Picked up my FR TDi Today...

    Following on from my other thread, I thought Id post some pics of my new FR Tdi which I picked up today (pretty quick considering 6 days ago I was looking at second-hand ones!) Impressed so far, although Ive not really had chance to stretch its legs. Stuck in traffic for most of the 60...

    auto dip rear view mirror

    hi guys ive been thinking for a while about fitting one of the auto dimming rear view mirrors. something similar to that in the pug 307 - as its black!!! what are your ideas on this???????
  4. WeeJase

    blaupunkt santa cruz mp36 with itrip auto

    all is fine and dandy,but i seem to keep getting a beep every now and then whilst a track is playing. i have tried it with RDS on and off,but still get it. have read user manual for both and no clues there. e-mailed giffin who were most helpful in not having a clue themselves,but asked me to...
  5. Auto Locking doors when moving

    I test drove a few Ibizas before finally finding the one the missus thought was a 'nice' colour. On one of the SE's the doors locked when you started moving, was this a optional extra from factory? Cheers
  6. Emm

    Convenience Pack - defeatable 'auto' functions?

    Can anyone with the convenience pack option confirm whether or not the automatic wiper operation and the rear view mirror be switched off/defeated? Just curious.
  7. YerMother

    Auto Express Review Cupra

    Just read the article and they seemed to like it! Gave it five stars! Makes a nice change as it seems to be disliked my the majority! :(
  8. beezasport

    golf mk4 tdi 130 auto

    I have done a auto scan of my mums car tonight and it came up with these results. im guessing it needs a new engine temp sensor and a new battery in the key fob but can anyone shed any light on the others please. Chassis Type: 1J - VW G/J/B Mk4 Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,17,19,22,35,46,56...
  9. auto dimming mirror has to go !!!!!!

    hi all, had me frtdi for a week now, have finally got a decent seating position but at the hieght i have the seat I find my view really obstructed by the large auto dimming mirror [ it is way to low down IMHO]. This coupled with the terrible obstructive A pillars is geting me down . [russian...
  10. r30lac

    Auto Windows

    hi Guys, I have a question that I think may have been posted before but I don't think it is in the MK2 section. :shrug: Does the MK2 Leon have an auto close feature for the electric windows. A few mates have various cars that close the windows when locking the car with the remote key fob. I...
  11. Auto Dimming Rear View Mirror

    Anyone on here got one of these, extra on the leon from 05 onwards, you can get them with a digital compass built in, look pretty cool.
  12. auto glym...

    how do you rate there products? i have got most of the range, and find them to be pretty good, but are there better thins out there? also, when cleaning glass, i just cant get it smudge and smear free, any tips?! i have used the AG glass polish, but i havnt got the fast glass, is that any good?
  13. AEM

    Auto lock/unlock doors

    Hi Just had my new DAB delivered and the auto lock/unlock of the doors has not been turned on. I seem to remember I read a few years ago when I had my last Ibiza that some kind of combination of pressing the central locking button on the drivers door can activate / deactivate this...
  14. auto locking

    just wandering if anyone else has noticed that if you leave the car unlocked for a minute or so without entering it, it locks itself again. :-o
  15. Ol' Timer

    Auto Express Longterm Leon FR TDi

    I don't know if this has been posted before but Auto Express have taken a Crono yellow Leon FR TDi onto their fleet. They have just published their first report: Interesting to see that they decided against the...

    Auto Rain Sensor

    Just had mine fall off, cars only done 1200 miles stealership says that they had had a few!! They have to fit a new bit so car has to go in for a day, what with my daughters car ALARM problem off road for 4 weeks plus and now this I'm GETTING A BIT Pi@@ed OFF. Any others with the same fault...
  17. gtd86

    APR or Bells Auto???

    Right stuck in a dilema, getting remap... Do i go for APR which is only half an hour away n costs £450 or Bell auto custom map "Personal map on standard car, with adjustments to suite driving style and needs, a lot stronger than generic maps/tuning" which means a 3 1/2hour drive to york...
  18. Funkyfin2000

    Auto Window With Remote...Anyone tried this?

    Has anyone given this ago yet for the mk3? Hello all: I'm new to the forum, at least writing. I've done it in my Ibiza, I can open and close the windows with the remote. First of all you need another program different from VAGCOM, it's called VDS_PRO (and VAGCOM is based on it) that...
  19. seatstu

    Auto window any one used one of these?

    Found this on fleabay, has anyone used/got one. I did have an Autowindow module in my Leon but took it out becasue it didn't work very well. This looks good as you do not actually install anything in the car...
  20. helms

    Auto Start

    Hi Guys an Gals. I was just reading another thread about MK3 alarm systems and how they are cat2 alarms. i then had a look at cliffords website just out if interest, and noticed they have an "auto start" option where you can start the car remotely with their alarms... My question is...
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