
  1. heatfan8

    Fitting an auto gauge oil temp gauge

    I have baught an auto gauge oil temperature gauge and want to fit it to my 110 tdi. What sender unit will I need and where can it go on the engine?? Also, what pod have you used? Cheers Andy
  2. New car - Auto Glym life time shine - Would you have it if it was free?i

    Gents, I'm new to forum and I'm enjoying reading old stuff. Have decided to try stage 1 remap soon but would appreciate some advice please. Ordered new Cupra on 1st August in Luna Grey with Black wheels. Car was due 6 Oct but got a call less than two weeks before to say the factory has...
  3. Folding Mirrors And Auto Windows When Locking

    Was wondering if there is a way to make the mirrors fold in automatically and for the windows to close when locking the car via the key? Looked in the manual and it says you can close the windows using the key in the lock... but pretty pointless really. Anyone know if you can do it using...
  4. Auto Window Brite

    Hi All, Quick question, Quite fancy having the following fitted; Auto Window Brite so that my lights stay on when i get out the car. I have done a search on it but all the threads on it dont really answer the questions I have. Can you fit this unit standalone, or do you need another Auto...
  5. disabling auto lock mk1 fr

    i deliver kebabs and pizza's in my mk1 fr tdi. Its really annoying that the autolock kicks in and i have to keep pressing the unlock button on the door. Is there a way to disable this so that when my door opens they all unlock? Im happy to keep the autolock over 6-10kph or what ever its...
  6. Nath.

    Auto dipping mirror/ red lighting under mirror

    Anyone done this mod to a mk2 without the convenience pack. Did it plug straight in or did it need a loom making up.
  7. Neel-Cupra

    Auto adjust Xenons-MK2 CUPRA

    Hi, been reading on here that the bi-xenons on the cupra do a self-adjust test everytime the car is started, where they move DOWN/OUT/IN/ UP always noticed this when i start the car, or turn the lights on, but today i started the car up to see if this was working because recently it hasn't...
  8. BeezerDiesel

    Cupra review in Auto Express Similar review to other mags but I think it's the first I've seen using a UK car. I note in the photos that the exhaust looks a bit naff up close. It may be just the angle of the photo...
  9. Auto Dimming Rear View Mirror - Retro Fit

    Hi All, I have a problem with my rear view mirror which needs replacing. I have seen a Auto Dimming rear view mirror for sale but what do I need to retro fit it into the car? Has anyone done this before? Does it just need power? Sensors? Any ideas? My Car is a 150 2000 Plate and im guessing...
  10. HotHatchSteve

    Auto door Locks

    Can someone tell me if the Leon's have the Auto door Lock feature, so that when you go over a certain speed the doors lock. Thanks
  11. OEM Xenons not auto adjusting up and down

    When you switch on the lights, the sequence for the Xenon equipped cars is adjust down, adjust out to the side, back to centre, then back up. Mine misses the down up cycle, and when driving the car in the dark, it appears they are stuck in the down position. I have done a search and have not...
  12. Captain Cupra

    Auto Bra's! Do they fit Properly?

    Just wondered if anyone can give me some info on the Auto Bra's for the Leon, Do they fit ok with no bonnet closing problems and with single day use (Not left on for days) do they mark or damage paint finish? Thanks in advance guys!
  13. Auto Mirror Closing.Possible?

    Hello guys, i just want to ask,if its possible via VAG to make setup for auto mirror closing if i close the car?The windows closing works only with key in lock,not via beeper.Ibiza 6L FR,2008 Thank you very much Ronald - Slovakia
  14. Custom Codes - JBS Auto design

    Anyone had there car re-mapped here ? I've narrowed the choice down to here, RS Tuning or Jabbasport, CC @ Chesterfield is the nearest though and I thought this would help with after sales ! thanks all
  15. godber225r

    Auto Gauge boost gauge. How to wire up correctly!!!!

    Seen lots of threads on here about wanting to know how to wire up the halfords auto gauge boost gauge. lots of people wanting to know what wire goes where so here it goes!!!:) This is a guide on the correct way to fit/wire it up so you get it to light up and save the setting you last had it...
  16. craig lcr

    oil temp auto gauge fitting

    ive just got an temp gauge that i am trying to fit but im a bit confused with the wiring.:wtf: ive searched but carnt find the answer. the gauge has a yellow,purple,orange and black wires coming from it but which one do i connect to the sender that goes into the block?
  17. Auto Locking

    Hi My Leon locks its self when you hit 5mph - or well it should do! The passenger door locks and unlocks again (all the rest stay locked) if i double press the lock switch between the mirror and window switch it will stay locked but everytime i set off from standstill it tries to lock again...
  18. Tfsi_Mike

    Auto electrician in Yorkshire???

    Removed the power supply to the light in my boost gauge (was trying to eliminate the cause of a burning smell :confused:) It was piggy backed on my ciggetette lighter power supply from the fuse box and i accidentally snipped the wire to cig lighter (which i need to power my sat nav on...
  19. passenger door not auto locking

    for some reason my passenger door on my ibiza fr (57 plate) doesnt always lock, sometimes does but not all the time, and when i lock the doors and then press the lock button for the 2nd time, the drivers door is locked but the passenger door isnt
  20. ET CUPRA

    Auto gauge 7 led oil temp

    Anyone have a wiring diagram of how to wire ones of these up using the 7 wires on the gauge? cheers guys
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)