Sat NAV update news from SEAT customer service


Seat Leon Mk3 SE 1.6 TDI
Aug 4, 2013
A few weeks ago, I emailed customer service regarding the wildly varying costs of satnav updates and why some European countries have access to a one off fee "mapcare" and the UK does not.
I also raised the point that some of the Voltswagen group get free updates and we don't...
The response received today gives the current official line (and more importantly for those that are getting ripped off, the correct price!

Hope it helps


"We are currently working with the Factory on the best way to deliver Mapcare to our customers. In the meantime if you would like
to update your maps you can buy a new SD card as an accessory.

Volkswagen have built the cost of their map care into the price of their navigation systems so the costs are covered when
purchasing the vehicle. The onus is then on the customer to download the updates from a website.

I have spoken with our Parts Team and obtained the part number and price of the latest SD card for your vehicle should you wish
to order one.

SD Card- 5F0060884D
Price- £104.16+ VAT"


Full Member
May 15, 2002
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So this new SD card still doesn't provide MapCare?

I was under the impression you can't just buy another card and stick it in, they had to be paired by the dealer?


Seat Leon Mk3 SE 1.6 TDI
Aug 4, 2013
From the way UK customer service are speaking, that is not the case, as I never gave my vehicle type or reg in any communication with them...

Mapcare in the UK appears to be in the too difficult pile - how much longer they think people will go on updating without knowing how old the data is, what updates have been included etc when so many mobiles have far more useful and free apps available...
I now find I'm using Waze (owned by google) more than the car system, as it is far more up to date and has real time traffic info rather than tmc...

Sorry SEAT UK, yet another example of not listening to what the customers want and not following what is already in place for other European countries

Not impressed.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2013
Bicester, Oxon
I now find I'm using Waze (owned by google) more than the car system, as it is far more up to date and has real time traffic info rather than tmc...

A couple of questions about Waze, if you don't mind.....

1. Will, or how do you, get their screen from your phone to the car screen? Is it just a plug and play media attachment?
2. Assume you have to connect to Waze by 3G (or whatever) since WiFi not available. Whats your usage in MB?


Seat Leon Mk3 SE 1.6 TDI
Aug 4, 2013
I have waze running on my Galaxy S5 on a screen mount, and use the phones display instead of the car. I use the display set on radio or other functions rather than sat nav now.
Data wise, I'm afraid I can't answer as I am on an all you can eat tarrif from Three...
The phone needs to be connected to get the most out of live traffic, police, etc etc, but wipes the floor with the SEAT map anyday.


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May 15, 2002
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Here's the latest email from Seat CS.


Thank you for your recent contact regarding updating the mapping data on the Easy Connect system. I apologise for the delay in responding. I have now received the necessary information on what options are available.

Mapping updates for the Easy Connect unit fitted to your New Leon should be uploaded through an approved accessory, the
Cartography update SD card. This card is supplied with a unique activation code and can be purchased from your local SEAT
Dealership. They are released annually. Before purchase, please check with the Parts Team at your local Dealership to confirm
whether the data on your unit can be updated.

I apologise for the confusion over the use of downloadable updates through the ‘here’ website I can confirm
these updates are only applicable to vehicles supplied from the factory with the Mapcare optional extra. This product can be
purchased from other European importers and this may be the reason some confusion may have arisen. The Mapcare service is still
under review in the UK and is not available to SEAT UK customers at present. Should we offer Mapcare in the future, it will be a
factory optional extra only and it will not be possible to purchase the Mapcare function after production.

I hope this clarifies the situation. However, if you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.


So basically if you want updates buy a new card every year and have it paired with the car by the dealership.

MapCare is only available on new cars and none in the UK support it.

Not very impressed.


Full Member
Feb 9, 2003
I got that email today as well doesn't seem fair as I very nearly bought an Octavia which would have had mapcare by default. I'm looking at keeping my car 5-6 year so will prop just update one now at 3 years old. Unless of course someone's hacked it by then!!

Still thinks it's unfair we get shafted compared to VW or Skoda though.


Active Member
May 7, 2008
. They are released annually. Before purchase, please check with the Parts Team at your local Dealership to confirm
whether the data on your unit can be updated.

So it appears that there are some units in presumably early mk3 that cannot be updated. Unbelievable that it never occurred to seat that this would be a more major issue.

It is silly things like this that put people off buying in the first place. Maybe that's why they are giving the unit away free?


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May 15, 2002
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And when is this annual release? Do they come out in January? So if I buy now they're already 6months out of date?!

How did Seat deal with updates for the old DVD SatNav that came with the mk2?


Active Member
Jun 11, 2014
Thanks for the update.

Does anyone know what the criteria is to have a unit capable of an update - build week/year ?? I'd be pretty peed off if my car wouldn't accept an updated card from the dealers.

Yes, good question JK1, also when is the next card out ?


Active Member
Apr 3, 2014
People who have gotten new cars around a month ago have an older map card than those who got their cars a couple of weeks back, so I'd say it was updated very recently. It seems to me that SEAT are currently giving away the tech pack inc. sat nav and therefore aren't going to be giving away free updates for it, too. They'll want to get some of that freebie back!


Active Member
Mar 27, 2013
This will be interesting then. I've spent the last 3 months negotiating with Listers and Seat CS to obtain the 3yrs worth of Sat Nav updates the salesman guaranteed. I've managed to get Seat CS to make Listers supply the updates FoC as promised. Thing is I purchased my car just as the Mk3 was released and I'm doubtful it will even accept the update based on information in this thread and elsewhere.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2014
Just checked here in Switzerland: nav update for our car costs 225 CHF here, which is 146 GBP / 185 euro.

Me, I'm not bothered, I leave it for another year or two. For those one or two roads that aren't in it yet, I'm not bothered. I rarely ever use GPS for navigation (usually just for orientation / positioning to get a sense of progress and to keep an eye on traffic updates on the map). Got my phone as backup anyway when needed.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2013
So i finally managed to get the dealer to make good on their salesman's promise of 3 year free sat nav updates. I got given the card for the most recent version on Thursday. The tech guy was adamant i just exchange the card and away i should go. I knew this wouldn't be the case but tried anyway. The card came with an activation code and licence agreement, my original did not. It also came with a manual of sorts.

Interestingly though was the activation process for the tech guys.

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Active Member
Mar 27, 2013
My motor has been with the dealer for 3 days now (rattles and the sat nav activation). I should hear today as to whether they successfully updated the system. I'll update in due course.


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
So as long as you have vagcom you should be fine updating to the new maps

Vagcom or VCDS doesn't have SVM as part of the functions.

Only a stealer diagnostic machine with VW internet connection can update the SVM.

If it is not done the official way - each time your car goes in for a service the cars equipment is checked against the central database.
If there is a discrepancy the system asks if the car should be reset to the database.
If it is reset - anything that wasn't fitted at the factory or fitted officially and SVM updated will stop working.
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