Time to refresh a bit this topic because there are few new things that I've been able to gather since last time.
Adjust steering wheel temperature
My colleague discovered that you are able to adjust steering wheel temperature for each of 3 steps. In adaptations of Module 16 there are three separate options that corresponds to max temperature of each heating level:
- P t soll 0
- P t soll 1
- P t soll 2
Cupra VZ steering wheel retrofit
I know that's a bit of an offtopic, but I am sure that there will be some people interested in this modification.
I am working on retrofitting Cupra VZ steering wheel in Leon 3. It's a bit slow process because parts are not cheap, but I am slowly getting there. Nevertheless there are two known thing for now:
- Drive mode button does not work out of the box and definitely needs correct gateway parametrization. Here is a tool that should help resolving the issue, but I was not able to test it yet: https://mqbtools.nl/fpa/
- Start/stop engine button does require 5Q1953549G airbag slip ring
What is special about that slip ring is that it has two dedicated pins that passes through signal from steering wheel to whatever place you connect them. On the diagram below you can see that Start/Stop engine button has two separate cables (pin 3 and 4) that goes directly to the 12-pin connector, which then goes straight from slip ring to BCM (based on
Formentor diagrams, not displayed on this sketch). I am not 100% sure, but I believe that Leon 3 with 5Q0 slip ring have start/stop engine button connected to the Kessy module rather than to the BCM. It should not matter that much as long as start/stop engine button from steering wheel sends the same signal as button on center console. It definitely needs more testing to expand the knowledge.
Here is a photo of those wirings. On top is airbag wiring, on bottom is steering wheel wiring.
And last, here's how that VZ steering wheel looks in Leon 3