I wouldn't be surprised that some of the part numbers floating about aren't Skoda Karoq ones. Some of those say Seat on them. The history of the Ateca is it was designed in Spain by Seat then the designs were turned over to the Skoda plant to manufacture. So they turned the body design with the Tiguan platform into the Ateca. A year or so later Skoda came out with it's own Ateca, the Karoq. It shares the same parts in many places. Bet the boot floor for 4Drive is identical. It has a blind rather than a shelf that rises up so different moulding in the side panels. Someone had me looking at that once to convert their Ateca boot into the Karoq with the moving blind.... other than that. Pass on whether you get your umbrella mounts in the door - a Skoda thing.
I'm sure I won't be thanked by saying the Cupra Ateca is really a Cupra Karoq . Skodas have the same duff Mib3 infotainment systems. The issues with the SOS all the same. They do have lifelong map navigation built into Mib2 and Mib3 unlike Seat which kept that one-off. They aren't such handsome cars as the Ateca, Cupra or not. True. Cupra has those high-powered engines. If you don't have a Cupra or Seat dealer handy but a Skoda one handy for common parts like the ice scrapper, touch up paint etc.
I'm sure I won't be thanked by saying the Cupra Ateca is really a Cupra Karoq . Skodas have the same duff Mib3 infotainment systems. The issues with the SOS all the same. They do have lifelong map navigation built into Mib2 and Mib3 unlike Seat which kept that one-off. They aren't such handsome cars as the Ateca, Cupra or not. True. Cupra has those high-powered engines. If you don't have a Cupra or Seat dealer handy but a Skoda one handy for common parts like the ice scrapper, touch up paint etc.