On the view with the round clocks, spin the thumb wheel in the steering wheel so the image of the car is in the middle. Then hold down the thumb wheel until a new menu pops up. From there select view and choose your views that you wan
I don't have. First is show service, second is clear oil service, third is show engine code, four is set clock, fifth is copyright, sixth is info audio and close. Could you see what you have in adaptations in these places? maybe I changed something too much
EDIT: Okay, I know everything now. In adaptations in active views I have the same thing as you have in the service menu. I don't know why I don't. I turned off all active displays and it agrees with the cupra instructions. View 1 is the round clocks, view 2 is the one I don't have even though it is attached. View 3 is driving assistants, view 4 is GPS, view 5 is night view which I don't have either, view 6 is cupra view. There is no more. I don't know why my clocks don't have this. Just like I don't have a G-meter (it is included in the
coding) and the power only shows in the view from Leon 3 (car version 4). The car is in the beginning of production on August 2020. It's not worth spending money on one view. In Poland it costs about 500 euros.