I think sound actuators are ghastly. I had one on my Audi S4, and I always had it turned down as far as it will go. The noises that cars fitted with this and other fake exhaust sound generating systems are just plain silly, plus you know that almost every one has theirs on "wake the neighbours" setting. The pops and bangs are absurdly over-done, and in any event, why have them in the first place? For some reason they're associated with "sportiness" when in reality they're actually the result of poor engine tuning.
Those popping noises are the legacy of badly-tuned engines in the days when fuel supply and metering were mechanical (i. .e carburettors). Multiple carburettors in particular were notorously difficult to set up and balance correctly, plus combustion was far less accurately controlled than it is now with the result that unburnt petrol would escape into the exhaust manifold and catch fire briefly. That doesn't happen now that we have accurate management of everything. So why have a fake reminder of the days when we didn't?