Not today but yesterday lol
Found a bloke near me with Vag com so I went to see if he could set up my steering angle sensor after a short convo I removed the sensor and drove to his house removed the steering wheel and plugged in the sensor and he was like it’s not showing as in the centre so he moved it and put it back on and tried again then he was like this one is not working so that was it I’m 25 quid down and the esp is still not working grr on my return to work I took the wheel off so I could get all the trims back on and noticed that the yellow dot was not in the window so I turned the ring and it was stif now it was not like that before and I noticed that it was popping out at the top and could see the inside off it all so now I need to get another one and go through the whole thing again grr and need to find someone else local to me again grr
And I’m also on with sorting my car back to a working 4door instead off a 4 door with half the doors working then it’s onto the the airbag light and then the top brake light and drying out the inside off the car as we speak it’s got a dehumidifier init
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