This week I have fitted my armrest, still can't see why it is an option rather than standard equipment
Done a detail on the rear end to try and stop the smoke sticking to the car, I used my snow foam, Maguires clay kit, das-6 da polisher with different cutting pads and polish then a going over with ag hd wax, just gotta do the rest of the car when I can set a day aside and get a new clay as mine is perished now.
Had an hours drive to get these bad boys from a mk5 r32 at an absolute bargain price of £200 for everything, front and rear calipers, carriers, disc, pads and heat shield,looks like there is a lot life left in the discs not sure about the pads but I will just put some new ones in, gonna get them sand blasted then powder coated white with a little black fr
All being well the car is having a full service tomorrow and the injectors set up to try and stop the car smoking so much.