DGJ's Leon Cupra TDI - Staggered Rims, AP Coilovers, 312mm Brakes, Milltek Turbo-Back


Nov 5, 2011
Wrexham, N. Wales
very nice mate! :)

Cheers mate :)

A little bit of progress today, finally got my 312mm brakes on! :funk: :clap:

No pictures though because it was cold and windy as funk so just cracked on with it. I haven't had chance to try them out yet, they were making a bit of a rumbling sound though when I moved them off my neighbour's drive back to mine...hoping it's just the small layer of rust that was left on the disks after I cleaned them up :confused:

Now I just need to find time to refurb the calipers and get them painted orange so they match the carriers :p

Booked in to get my n/s CV boot done tomorrow, one job I don't fancy tackling myself so will be dropping the car off on the way to work.

Does anyone know by the way what strength of power washer it's safe to go up to to rinse my car?

Cheers :)


Nov 5, 2011
Wrexham, N. Wales
So not much to report, the car went in to "winter mode" over the weekend!



After finally clearing the snow off the drive and car, managed to drive the car to work today and get a feel for the brakes! The rumbling is still there, though this seems to go once the discs have heated up a little, and there's a bit more bite to the brakes now! Though this could be due to the 3mm lip on the old discs :rolleyes: will take the car out for a spirited drive to test them once the weather's better and then get the calipers refurbed to match the carriers.

Pics to compare the old and new will be done once the weather's better and the car has had a clean!


Jan 1, 2013
So not much to report, the car went in to "winter mode" over the weekend!



After finally clearing the snow off the drive and car, managed to drive the car to work today and get a feel for the brakes! The rumbling is still there, though this seems to go once the discs have heated up a little, and there's a bit more bite to the brakes now! Though this could be due to the 3mm lip on the old discs :rolleyes: will take the car out for a spirited drive to test them once the weather's better and then get the calipers refurbed to match the carriers.

Pics to compare the old and new will be done once the weather's better and the car has had a clean!

Blimey youve had some snow!!,You not going to GTI International mate,seems to be stirring up a lot of interest??


Nov 5, 2011
Wrexham, N. Wales
Haha just a bit! There's places around here worse than that as well.

I might do, will have to see nearer the time and would probably only do 1 day. You got your name down?


Nov 5, 2011
Wrexham, N. Wales
Ah ok, one side will be getting tightened up properly about now as it's in the garage having a new CV boot and ball joint put on. Will have to check the other side is tightened up properly and maybe put some more thread lock on there just to make sure!


Jan 1, 2013
Haha just a bit! There's places around here worse than that as well.

I might do, will have to see nearer the time and would probably only do 1 day. You got your name down?

Have got my name down on the club stand and also bought my tickets for the Sunday mate,Ive been on both days in the past and the Sunday has always been the better day as more people seem to go then,
Hopefully you can make it as it's a really good show:)


Nov 5, 2011
Wrexham, N. Wales
Sorry for the late reply! Not been on recently. Yeah they're AP coilovers, were £385 from Awesome GTi, plus £150 fitting and the cost of new powerflex top mounts, standard top mount bearings, rear mounts and dust covers.


Nov 5, 2011
Wrexham, N. Wales
Cheers mate :) loving the new wheels on yours. It's E-Tech tint spray, about 3 light coats just left to dry. Took my time between coats and didn't add more until I was sure it looked right.

New look in the pipeline for the rear lights though ;)


Active Member
Nov 16, 2011
Just bought a black Leon, so will have to organize a small meet sometime if anyone else is local.

Was wondering, have you had to reseal the door carriers yet due to the common water in the car leaks? Iv got moisture in mine as it steams up really easily and was going to suggest a day when the weather is good to do both ours if you hadn't already. Asuming my problem is the doors.ha.

This really is a nice looking Leon.


Nov 5, 2011
Wrexham, N. Wales
Just bought a black Leon, so will have to organize a small meet sometime if anyone else is local.

Was wondering, have you had to reseal the door carriers yet due to the common water in the car leaks? Iv got moisture in mine as it steams up really easily and was going to suggest a day when the weather is good to do both ours if you hadn't already. Asuming my problem is the doors.ha.

This really is a nice looking Leon.

Yeah would be good mate. To be fair I did have the dodgy seals but they seem to have miraculously cured themselves....haven't had to ring out my driver's mat for a while anyway. I'm sure there's still loads of sitting water under the carpet though :shrug:

Cheers for the kind words mate :D


Nov 5, 2011
Wrexham, N. Wales
Not much to report of late, been busy working and trying to work out what I need to do for my next service. I'm going to have a go at this one myself as it's only oil and filter this time round, should be alright even in my inexperienced hands!

First things first, I got a nice new sticker on to go with my sig pic:

And gave the car a good wash at the weekend with some Meg's Gold Class

And just because, here's an arty shot I took at 6.30 the other morning :)

Today I've ordered Pug fan-type spray jets for my front washers, gonna give them a go and see if I can improve on the twin-jet standard (crap) ones. Also ordered up some SuperPro front arb bushes as my old ones are knackered. Have read a few fitting guides and gonna tackle these myself.

Also, I got paid from a second job I do so going to be getting my service bits, wiper blades (and shortening passenger side), brake fluid change and a low entry trolley jack with axle stands seeing as I've had to borrow one every time I need to work on my car recently :p

Then I have a spare £50ish to spend on something else, throw your suggestions at me guys!


Active Member
Nov 16, 2011
Yeah mine aren't too bad yet, but the carpet is damp now it's rained over night. I will be doing mine when we get a few nice days of weather, so the offer is there if you want to help and do yours at the same time. The guide on here makes it look pretty simple.

As for £50, have you got pressed plates? (I ordered mine the other day.)

Aero wipers?


Fleet Air Arm by ability.
Mar 2, 2012
When you do the service, undo the sump plug carefully, myself and a mate have battered two between us! Chocolate sump threads! I had to get some low entry 3tonne jacks for work because so many of us younguns have lowered cars, we have to position the car, jack the beam and then position the 2 post ramp legs haha! The legs don't fit under otherwise!

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