8bit's Mk1 Leon Cupra R. Scarlett - as in Johansson...


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Had the car logged at the weekend past there, thanks as always to Yohan. Wanted to see if I could find why Matty at Wallace Performance felt like the car was missing when coming on boost. On the upside, I couldn't feel it missing at all and the car logged more sensible boost figures than on the dyno. Makes me wonder if the dyno doing inertia runs means the engine and turbo spin up too quick and the engine can't consume the charge air fast enough.

On the downside though, I'm seeing a bit more correction factors than I'm happy with. These logs were done with boost = 6 and timing = 4. Those are the same settings as before we fitted the FMIC but for some reason now the FMIC is on the car is pulling timing more than before. It was a colder day than last time as well so not sure what's going on. MAF readings are down a little compared to pre-FMIC as well, hope it isn't the MAF as that's the second one this year.

So, MAF, injector timings, correction factors and boost:

Saturday	22	September	2012	18:17:40:62534	VCDS Version: Release 11.11.4	Data version: 20120807									
1ML 906 032 A		1.8l R4/5VT         0001													
	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'020				Group C:	'115			
		Engine Speed	Engine Load	Injection Timing	Mass Air Flow		Timing Retardation	Timing Retardation	Timing Retardation	Timing Retardation		Engine Speed	Engine Load	Boost Pressure	Boost Pressure
	TIME	(G28)			Sensor (G70)	TIME	Cylinder 1	Cylinder 2	Cylinder 3	Cylinder 4	TIME	(G28)		(specified)	(actual)
Marker	STAMP	 /min	 %	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	°KW	°KW	°KW	°KW	STAMP	 /min	 %	 mbar	 mbar
	10.25	1880	59.4	5.78	23.19	10.55	0	0	0	0	9.95	1840	46.6	1000	1040
	11.16	1960	78.9	7.48	32.44	11.46	0	0	0	0	10.87	1920	71.4	1080	1130
	12.07	2080	81.2	7.82	34.28	12.37	1.5	0	0	0	11.77	2040	82.7	1120	1260
	12.98	2240	94.7	9.86	43.56	13.28	1.5	1.5	0	1.5	12.68	2160	70.7	1330	1270
	13.88	2440	127.1	12.58	66.97	14.18	3	3	1.5	1.5	13.57	2360	117.3	1960	1510
	14.79	2720	167.7	20.06	96.89	15.09	3	4.5	4.5	2.3	14.49	2600	152.6	2110	2000
	15.7	3080	186.5	22.44	107	15.99	2.3	4.5	4.5	3.8	15.39	2960	182	2210	2410
	16.6	3440	191.7	22.44	133.61	16.9	2.3	3.8	3.8	3.8	16.3	3320	191.7	2230	2400
	17.5	3800	191.7	22.78	140.86	17.81	1.5	3.8	3.8	3	17.2	3680	191.7	2250	2380
	18.41	4120	191.7	22.1	151.81	18.71	1.5	3	3	3	18.11	4000	191.7	2250	2360
	19.31	4440	191.7	21.76	162.78	19.62	2.3	3	3	3	19.01	4360	189.5	2240	2360
	20.22	4760	184.2	20.74	165.69	20.52	2.3	2.3	3	3.8	19.92	4640	187.2	2230	2300
	21.12	5040	185.7	20.74	176.81	21.44	1.5	2.3	2.3	3.8	20.82	4920	184.2	2230	2280
	22.03	5320	182	20.4	184.19	22.33	1.5	3.8	1.5	3	21.73	5240	185	2230	2230
	22.94	5560	190.2	21.08	190	23.24	0.8	3.8	1.5	3	22.63	5480	179.7	2230	2270
	23.84	5800	184.2	21.08	197.14	24.15	0.8	3	0.8	2.3	23.54	5720	183.5	2220	2180
	24.75	6000	171.4	19.04	198.92	25.06	0	3	1.5	1.5	24.45	5960	175.2	2200	2200
	25.66	6200	166.9	18.36	202.97	25.96	0.8	2.3	1.5	2.3	25.35	6160	178.2	2200	2170
	26.57	6400	170.7	18.36	204.19	26.86	0	2.3	2.3	2.3	26.25	6360	164.7	2200	2240
	27.46	6560	165.4	17.68	203.31	27.77	0	0	3.8	0	27.17	6520	167.7	2200	2130
	28.37	6480	14.3	1.7	12.31	28.67	0	0	0	0	28.08	6480	13.5	1000	1360
	29.27	6320	12.8	0	14.81	29.57	0	0	0	0	28.97	6360	12	1000	1110
	30.18	6160	12	0	14.75	30.48	0	0	0	0	29.88	6200	12	1000	1070

... and intake temps (nice and low), exhaust temps and CFs again:

Saturday	22	September	2012	18:24:00:62534	VCDS Version: Release 11.11.4	Data version: 20120807									
1ML 906 032 A		1.8l R4/5VT         0001													
	Group A:	'004				Group B:	'112				Group C:	'020			
		Engine Speed	Battery Voltage	Coolant	Intake Air		Exhaust Gas	Enrichment Factor	Bin. Bits	Bin. Bits		Timing Retardation	Timing Retardation	Timing Retardation	Timing Retardation
	TIME	(G28)	(Terminal 30)	Temperature (G62)	Temperature (G42)	TIME	Temperature Bank 1	Sensor Bank 1			TIME	Cylinder 1	Cylinder 2	Cylinder 3	Cylinder 4
Marker	STAMP	 /min	 V	°C	°C	STAMP	°C	 %			STAMP	°KW	°KW	°KW	°KW
	11.47	2200	13.93	90	22	10.86	710	0	        	        	11.16	0	0	0	0
	12.37	2280	13.86	90	22	11.77	710	0	        	        	12.07	0	0	0	0
	13.28	2320	13.93	90	22	12.68	705	0	        	        	12.98	0	0	0	0
	14.19	2480	14	90	21	13.58	695	0	        	        	13.88	0	0	0	0
	15.09	2760	13.93	90	21	14.49	690	0	        	        	14.79	3	0	1.5	0
	15.99	3080	13.93	90	20	15.39	695	0	        	        	15.69	3	4.5	3	1.5
	16.9	3480	13.93	90	18	16.3	715	0	        	        	16.6	2.3	5.3	3	3
	17.81	3840	13.86	90	19	17.2	735	0	        	        	17.5	3.8	5.3	4.5	3
	18.71	4160	13.93	90	20	18.11	755	0	        	        	18.41	5.3	4.5	4.5	2.3
	19.62	4480	13.93	91	21	19.01	785	0	        	        	19.32	5.3	4.5	3.8	2.3
	20.52	4800	13.93	92	21	19.92	800	0	        	        	20.22	5.3	3.8	3.8	1.5
	21.43	5080	13.93	92	23	20.82	820	0	        	        	21.12	4.5	3.8	2.3	1.5
	22.33	5320	13.93	92	24	21.73	835	0	        	        	22.03	3.8	3	0.8	0.8
	23.24	5600	13.93	92	24	22.65	845	0	        	        	22.94	3	3	0	1.5
	24.14	5840	13.93	92	26	23.54	855	0	        	        	23.84	2.3	3	1.5	1.5
	25.05	6040	13.93	92	27	24.44	865	0	        	        	24.76	2.3	2.3	0.8	0.8
	25.95	6240	13.79	91	28	25.35	875	0	        	        	25.66	1.5	3	0	0.8
	26.86	6400	13.86	90	29	26.25	885	0	        	        	26.56	1.5	2.3	3	2.3
	27.76	6600	14	90	30	27.17	895	0	        	        	27.46	1.5	2.3	4.5	3
	28.68	6440	14	90	27	28.08	905	0	        	        	28.38	0	0	0	0
	29.58	6280	14	90	27	28.98	905	0	        	        	29.27	0	0	0	0

I've since pulled the timing setting back to 2 which is the default. Hopefully get some more logs and tweaking done soon. In the meantime, any suggestions as to what to check out for the timing pull? Spark plugs and coil packs are about 6 months old, coils are the AMD red-top ones (latest VAG part number) and the plugs are NGK Iridiums, grade 7, so fairly sure it's not ignition-related.

EDIT - wonder if it's fuelling-related - I just had a quick Google for the formula to convert injector on time (pulse width) to duty cycle, it's (inj. on time x RPM) / 1200. If that's right enough then these are my injector duty cycles:

Engine Speed	Injection Timing	Injector Duty Cycle
 /min	 ms	%
1880	5.78	9.055333333
1960	7.48	12.21733333
2080	7.82	13.55466667
2240	9.86	18.40533333
2440	12.58	25.57933333
2720	20.06	45.46933333
3080	22.44	57.596
3440	22.44	64.328
3800	22.78	72.13666667
4120	22.1	75.87666667
4440	21.76	80.512
4760	20.74	82.26866667
5040	20.74	87.108
5320	20.4	90.44
5560	21.08	97.67066667
5800	21.08	101.8866667
6000	19.04	95.2
6200	18.36	94.86
6400	18.36	97.92
6560	17.68	96.65066667
6480	1.7	9.18
6320	0	0
6160	0	0

Obviously the car cannot provide more than 100% of injector capacity so looks like that's potentially running slightly lean at high RPM on WOT (101.88%), which isn't good.
Last edited:


LCR 225
Apr 29, 2007
Are you on stage 1 still mate?

I'm wondering if having a stage 2 code would help at all. I'm trying to think back to JamJay's issues and if/what was down to it being on a stage 1 generic code but the car mechanically was sound and wanting to process more power than the map was really setup for. Stage 2 loaded and lots of his issues seemed to go away.

Might be a load of tosh, but thought I'd throw it in there, lol. :)


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
That's the worst "go to stage 2!" post ever!

I'd take a guess that Jay's stage 1 map wasn't set up quite right but his stage 2 one was better. I hear what you're suggesting and if it is the map then a different map may fix it but knowing my car I'd be suspicious that something isn't working right. I'll need to log fuelling properly and check long and short trip trims, lambda values and lambda corrections to be sure. Looking at the AFRs on the before and after graphs it looks like it ran a bit richer last time. Wonder if the MAF is a bit iffy, or the FPR.


Forever Alive
Mar 17, 2008
Bickley, Bromley
JamJay car had a good stage 1 map however due to the upgrades the map needed to be adjusted. His main issues was surge which doesn't seem to be the issue here.

Unfortunately I'm on the phone so the logs are pretty much unreadable so will check later. A few checks do come to mind though. MAF, although you said it has been changed. FPR as you mentioned, the N75 valve (has this ever been changed?) and also have to done any smoke tests lately to rule out any silly leaks?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Yeah I remember his postings about surge, think he found that a better FMIC fixed that, didn't it? I don't feel the same hesitation coming on boost that I did on the SMICs, may be that the extra volume in the charge circuit means the pressure isn't building up quite as quickly as before. I can't remember hearing the fluttering sound while logging at the weekend but maybe I'm just used to it :)

N75 is the latest part number, yes - changed a few months ago, about the same time as the latest MAF, coils and spark plugs. I've not done a smoke test but Yohan and I did a basic boost leak test when fitting the FMIC although we didn't test it right up to full-boost levels of pressure. I'll try and do that next time I see him to do logs too.


Forever Alive
Mar 17, 2008
Bickley, Bromley
Yeah I remember his postings about surge, think he found that a better FMIC fixed that, didn't it? I don't feel the same hesitation coming on boost that I did on the SMICs, may be that the extra volume in the charge circuit means the pressure isn't building up quite as quickly as before. I can't remember hearing the fluttering sound while logging at the weekend but maybe I'm just used to it :)

N75 is the latest part number, yes - changed a few months ago, about the same time as the latest MAF, coils and spark plugs. I've not done a smoke test but Yohan and I did a basic boost leak test when fitting the FMIC although we didn't test it right up to full-boost levels of pressure. I'll try and do that next time I see him to do logs too.

Sounds like you have changed all of the main bits which have the tendency to give up. Try doing a full boost leak test to rule this out. Could be in the most annoying of places. Some of the main would be all of the pipes which go to the N75 to actuator, N75 to charge pipe, PCV system etc. Can't remember if you have mentioned this but do you have a boost gauge? If so do you see what boost it is recording and whether it flutters about on high boost? I have not really heard of any FPR going on these but surely again if this was going you would hear fluttering and see a more erratic boost cycle :confused:


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Sounds like you have changed all of the main bits which have the tendency to give up. Try doing a full boost leak test to rule this out. Could be in the most annoying of places. Some of the main would be all of the pipes which go to the N75 to actuator, N75 to charge pipe, PCV system etc. Can't remember if you have mentioned this but do you have a boost gauge? If so do you see what boost it is recording and whether it flutters about on high boost? I have not really heard of any FPR going on these but surely again if this was going you would hear fluttering and see a more erratic boost cycle :confused:

D'oh, thought I'd replied to this, sorry!

No, haven't got a boost gauge, keep meaning to sort one out but not sure where to put it - not really a fan of pillar-pods and don't really want to lose a vent. Quite like the interior OEM, except for the head unit.

Hopefully be able to get the car logged again soon, with any luck that'll show up what's wrong.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Small updates, so the soon-to-be Mrs. 8bit was largeing it up in London this weekend while yours truly was on-call, so made the most of not being able to go out and get drunk and the nice weather and spent most of yesterday and today on the car. Today I washed it, clayed 2/3rds of it and washed it again. Ran out of daylight and clay lube, hence the rest of the claying and a couple of coats of wax will be next weekend's jobs. No pics unfortunately as it was too dark.

Yesterday I attacked the car with Tardis in preparation for washing and claying today, so it's now virtually free of tar spots. I also finally got round to something I'd meant to do for ages - replacing the R badges :)





The technique - place a short length of detailing tape under each one, mark the tape with a pen at either end of the badge, makes lining up the new one a doddle:


For each one, heated it with a hairdryer for a couple of minutes until it was hot to touch. Took some dental floss and snicked it in behind the badge, then "sawed" it through the adhesive, comes off in seconds and leaves this:


Used an old credit-card sort of thing to gently push that stuff back til it came off, then used some more tardis to clean it up, then rinsed down with a hose and towel dried before putting new badges on. End result:



Yes I know the rear one isn't perfectly lined up with the CUPRA badge but it's only like a mm out, close enough for me. Not the biggest of updates but the old ones were well tatty (the nearside one in particular) and they'd been bugging me for a while. Bought four badges in case I made an arse of applying one or anything, if they stay stuck on for a week or two I might put it on the front somewhere.


Every day's a school day.
Nov 21, 2006
D'oh, thought I'd replied to this, sorry!

No, haven't got a boost gauge, keep meaning to sort one out but not sure where to put it - not really a fan of pillar-pods and don't really want to lose a vent. Quite like the interior OEM, except for the head unit.

Hopefully be able to get the car logged again soon, with any luck that'll show up what's wrong.

Have you though about chopping up a MKIV Golf Newsouth steering colum pod? That's what I ended up doing and it doesn't stand out to much.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Podi do gauge mounts behind the steering wheel, that's what I'm after and podi also match OEM dials perfectly.

Didn't see any white-faced dials on their website? Nae cheap either like!

This is mine

Have you a link to this Podi?

www.podi.ca. Did you manage to route a boost hose in to the steering column area for that or did you use an electronic one?

Very tidy car m8.... Make the brake calliper refurb top of the list m8 it will finish the car off perfect

Thanks :) Yeah the Brembos are looking a bit tired, driver's side one especially. Will have to get round to that soon, hopefully I can get away with just a coat or two of lacquer and not have to repaint them.


Every day's a school day.
Nov 21, 2006
Didn't see any white-faced dials on their website? Nae cheap either like!
www.podi.ca. Did you manage to route a boost hose in to the steering column area for that or did you use an electronic one? .

Thanks I'll have a look at that. Used a hose. I brought it through the gromit on the passenger side. I removed the stereo and it was to much of a pain to do.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Small update time I guess, although haven't done a lot with the car of late :)

Just received a Forge Unos manual boost controller (thanks again Sam). Plan is to have the car logged and adjust the boost levels so the injectors aren't maxing out then install the MBC and set it up so that it allows only as much boost as is being requested - this will eliminate the initial spike which should help protect the turbo and internals.

Later this year once the wedding is out the way I will be buying a new car. Still not certain what I'll be getting but Scarlett will be staying in the family. My other half wants to sell her MX-5 and given she doesn't drive a lot and we'll hopefully be starting a family soon it seems to make more financial sense for her to sell the Mazda and take over the LCR.

On that basis I will be doing one final mod - better suspension. I find the standard stuff a bit harsh and crashy, not what you want really for the wife and kid(s) so will be looking to replace it with something comfier. That rules out coilovers but I won't need the adjustability anyway and don't want to drop the ride height any more than necessary so will be shopping for a coil and spring kit.

One other thing - can anyone tell me what the thick vac/boost hose that comes off the feed on top of the throttle body is for, the one that goes up to a hardpipe in front of the scuttle panel? I replaced mine with silicone a while back and discovered yesterday that it had been rubbing on the engine cover and had a small split in it. Bodged it with self-amalgamating tape for now, will replace it this weekend...


Active Member
Feb 17, 2012
Looking good dude I have gotta get new badges fitted when the paints sorted and new front splitter [B)]


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cheers fella :) New badges and splitter will make it look much neater, surprising how much small details like those make to the look of the car.
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