would 1m be enough or should I go two, I want to do all my vaccumm hosing in my engine bay like everything that can be dont really! so looking at...
1m x 4mm
1m x 8mm
1m x 16mm
what else?
coolant? screen wash? dv? any thoughts i want to do in 1 shot as postage at £6 ant cheap really.
iv got so many book marks its impossible to find what i want. I was subsribed to the thread, couldnt find it in my topics or subscribed threads search email and forum search i knew lee69 had posted but the ones i found didn't have him in it anyway all sorted now I ended up getting:
2m x 8mm
2m x 4mm
1m x 3mm
thanks to SamBryant for his help this evening and to you for your help on the thread i couldn't find and the 16mm was something someone had written down that turned out to be wrong.
Ah right, thought you maybe thought that was for the brake booster, the U-shaped section leading from the driver's-side end of the intake manifold around the top of the first intercooler hose - that's 10mm.
What's the 3mm for?
does that 'U' pipe your on abt, can it be replaced with the 10mm hose all the way up to the top of the engine? im sure it changes from 10mm to a metal pipe?ye thats what someone thought it was for but im using 8mm and the 3mm is using for the dv as per this thread: