Thanks, I'll have a look through
So to sum this up so far:
- 007 DV tested for sticking = Operates as normal, dumps pressurised air audibley.
- 007 DV replaced for OE DV = Boost not held as well, dumps very easily, rules out sticky DV as cause of surge.
- All hoses felt and checked with my eyes = No holes or spilts found.
- Actuator not opening up = Actuator is OE, never been touched and opens at 4 - 5psi.
- MAF Sensor fault = Was dying, max of 206g/s, new MAF reads 226g/s but still have surge.
- N75 not controlling boost = New N75 tried, car ran worse for some reason so old N75 reinstalled.
- TIP not fitted correctly = TIP refitted, again, still issue persists.
So on the list to try next:
- Boost leak test to make sure that I have none, causing surge and hesitation.
- Green temp sensor to rule out cause of hesitation.
- Throttle body clean and reset to rule out cause of hesitation.
- 007DV service kit to rule out cause of hesitation.
- Check spark plugs & coilpacks as cause of hesitation but doesn't feel ignition related.
- FMIC, car seemed to run MUCH better in cold temps.
- Stage 2 map & dyno time to rule out mapping issue with Stage 2 mods on Stage 1 code.
Anything else that I should check?