Im liking the fact that lots of now seat owners have had a mini in their previous lives!
Anyways my three cars
1st car Mini city E
How it started
How it looks now with many upgrades including a 1293cc engine pushing a massive 90hp
2nd car 206 1.9 NA diesel
Probably the slowest car i have ever driven!
But i drove it like i stole it to make up for it. Hand brake was brilliant on it.
Oh yer and some pikeys nicked the wheel trims so we painted the wheels orange and yellow lol
My latest car Ibiza fr tdi
Anyways my three cars
1st car Mini city E
How it started

How it looks now with many upgrades including a 1293cc engine pushing a massive 90hp

2nd car 206 1.9 NA diesel
Probably the slowest car i have ever driven!

Oh yer and some pikeys nicked the wheel trims so we painted the wheels orange and yellow lol

My latest car Ibiza fr tdi