just do it dont let bora ownership make your wrist go limp
are the new wheels a secret?
Taking my time with it
you are arent you get that suspension fitted
i think a dark navy mettalic blue would look pretty cool.
lol, I will I will, all in good time. Decided I want to refurb and respray the wheels I've bought first, so they can go straight on with the lows. Will take me about a weekend or 2, to do. Need to decide on a colour though. Needs to be dark(ish), shiney, not black/grey, and something that will go with silver! Either dark metallic blue or dark red......Not too everyones taste but who cares, its my car
Ideas? Pics of a colour would be nice
your waiting for me to fit them really for you arnt ya lol il speak to you about it at meet tomoz i have some lovely yellow and blue wheels spare lol