My first log, be gentle with me LOL!!


Active Member
Apr 24, 2008
Surrey/SW London
I did two runs that I think I consolidated into one, are there any glaringly obvious things wrong with car and my logging??

Group A:	'003				Group B:	'118				Group C:	'006			
	RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign. Timing		RPM	Temperature	Load	Absolute Pres.		RPM	Load	Temperature	Lambda
TIME					TIME					TIME				
STAMP	 /min	 g/s	 %	 °ATDC	STAMP	 /min	°C	 %	 mbar	STAMP	 /min	 %	°C	 %
0.6	2520	46.81	76.5	23.3	0.01	2440	18	0	1040	0.3	2480	65.4	18	0
1.51	2720	75.56	100	15	0.9	2560	17	95.3	1280	1.21	2640	111.3	17	0
2.41	2960	81.5	100	12.8	1.81	2800	16	62.7	1770	2.11	2880	142.9	15	0
3.32	3240	90.47	100	16.5	2.71	3040	15	61.6	1770	3.02	3160	141.4	15	0
4.22	3520	95.67	100	20.3	3.62	3320	14	61.6	1780	3.91	3400	140.6	14	0
5.13	3760	102	100	20.3	4.52	3600	14	62	1790	4.83	3680	143.6	14	0
6.03	4040	108.86	100	21	5.43	3880	14	62.7	1770	5.73	3960	142.9	14	0
6.94	4280	118	100	20.3	6.34	4120	15	62.7	1770	6.64	4200	141.4	15	0
7.84	4520	123.67	100	20.3	7.24	4360	15	62.7	1800	7.54	4440	140.6	15	0
8.75	4760	126.94	100	18.8	8.15	4600	15	62.7	1810	8.45	4720	141.4	15	0
9.65	5000	132.19	100	20.3	9.05	4840	16	61.6	1790	9.35	4920	139.8	17	0
10.56	5200	143.08	100	18.8	9.96	5080	17	63.9	1790	10.26	5120	143.6	17	0
11.47	5400	151.58	100	16.5	10.86	5280	18	65.9	1840	11.16	5320	145.1	18	0
12.37	5600	158.67	100	18.8	11.77	5480	18	66.3	1850	12.07	5520	143.6	18	0
13.28	5600	2.86	6.3	19.5	12.67	5640	18	62.4	1890	12.97	5680	108.3	18	0
14.18	5520	11.56	8.6	6.8	13.58	5640	18	0	1200	13.88	5600	14.3	17	0
15.09	5400	13.03	9	6	14.48	5480	18	0	1080	14.78	5440	12	18	0
15.99	5240	13.03	8.6	5.3	15.39	5360	18	0	1060	15.69	5280	12.8	18	0
16.9	5000	12.31	8.6	5.3	16.29	5160	18	0	1050	16.59	5080	12.8	18	0
17.8	4760	11.75	8.2	4.5	17.2	4920	18	0	1040	17.5	4840	12.8	18	0
168.17	2360	18.89	12.2	31.5	168.47	2360	17	0	1030	168.78	2400	76.7	17	0
169.08	2440	48.78	95.3	21.8	169.38	2480	17	95.3	1330	169.68	2560	112.8	17	0
169.98	2640	73.31	100	14.3	170.29	2720	16	62.4	1790	170.59	2800	142.9	15	0
170.89	2880	76.56	100	12.8	171.19	2960	15	61.6	1770	171.49	3040	140.6	15	0
171.79	3160	83.44	100	16.5	172.1	3240	15	62	1770	172.4	3320	140.6	14	0
172.7	3400	90.14	100	18	173	3480	14	62	1770	173.3	3560	141.4	14	0
173.6	3640	99.56	100	19.5	173.91	3720	15	61.6	1790	174.21	3800	139.8	15	0
174.51	3880	105.83	100	18	174.81	3960	15	62.4	1780	175.11	4040	139.8	15	0
175.42	4120	111.81	99.6	21	175.72	4200	15	62.4	1800	176.02	4280	142.1	15	0
176.32	4320	116.53	99.6	21	176.62	4400	15	62.4	1790	176.92	4480	141.4	16	0
177.23	4560	121.33	100	17.3	177.53	4640	17	62.4	1780	177.83	4720	141.4	17	0
178.13	4800	128.39	100	14.3	178.43	4880	17	63.1	1770	178.73	4960	138.3	18	0
179.04	5040	135.86	100	18.8	179.34	5120	18	63.5	1770	179.64	5200	142.9	18	0
179.94	5280	145.33	100	17.3	180.24	5360	18	65.5	1850	180.54	5400	147.4	18	0
180.85	5480	105.69	99.6	21	181.16	5360	18	0	1450	181.45	5400	14.3	17	0
181.75	5360	11.81	9	4.5	182.05	5320	17	0	1090	182.36	5280	12	17	0
182.66	5240	11.58	8.6	6	182.96	5160	17	0	1050	183.26	5080	12	18	0


Active Member
May 30, 2008
northern ireland
Wow this makes zero sense to me lol wish i was brainy enough to take that in and comprehend, but wat are you trying to accomplish by doing such logs?

go easy on me please :D


Race Lupo in progress...
Dec 11, 2003
Your MAF is giving low readings. A standard LCR (not mapped) should be running more airflow than that. You'll be down on power :(

Might be worth doing a log of 115 and 020
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Active Member
Apr 24, 2008
Surrey/SW London

The last column of 0s is an o2 sensor which I presume is either knackered or I have chosen an incorrect value for my car?

Is there a comprehensive list of what values are where, as some of the lists I have seen don't correspond to the vagcom when I connect it up?


Active Member
Apr 24, 2008
Surrey/SW London
Thanks, I am fairly sure the issue is not mechanical as it came up good in the compression test + head gasket test, and no smoke from the car.

So do I have to do the next round of tests to get more evidence or does this mean my MAF is probably knackered?


Active Member
Apr 24, 2008
Surrey/SW London
Ok went out today and did the values required, the runs were in 4th gear up to approx 6500rpm, if you gents could kindly cast your eyes over it I would be grateful?

Group A:	'003				Group B:	'115				Group C:	'020			
	RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign. Timing		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres.	Absolute Pres.		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization
TIME					TIME					TIME				
STAMP	 /min	 g/s	 %	 °BTDC	STAMP	 /min	 %	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP	°KW	°KW	°KW	°KW
0.01	2240	8.19	6.7	33	0.26	2240	21.8	1010	1050	0.55	0	0	0	0
0.86	2240	23.97	15.7	28.5	1.15	2240	57.1	1010	1060	1.46	0	0	0	0
1.77	2280	44.97	95.3	18.8	2.07	2280	100	1900	1330	2.37	0	0	0	0
2.67	2320	57.64	96.5	12.8	2.97	2360	112.8	1010	1560	3.27	0	0	0	0
3.58	2240	3.61	4.3	-5.3	3.88	3440	82	1490	1040	4.18	0	0	0	0
4.48	3560	96.97	92.9	25.5	4.78	3680	136.1	1830	1770	5.09	0	0	0	0
5.39	3840	108.75	99.6	17.3	5.69	3920	145.1	1810	1850	5.99	0	0	0	0
6.29	4080	109.86	100	19.5	6.59	4160	139.1	1800	1810	6.9	0	0	3	0
7.2	4320	117.39	100	20.3	7.5	4400	139.8	1820	1820	7.8	0	0	3	0
8.1	4560	123.67	100	19.5	8.41	4640	142.1	1830	1830	8.71	0	0	2.3	0
9.01	4800	130.78	100	15	9.31	4880	142.9	1820	1830	9.61	0	0	2.3	0
9.91	5040	133.56	100	20.3	10.22	5080	136.1	1840	1860	10.52	0	3	1.5	3
10.82	5240	142.56	100	15.8	11.12	5320	141.4	1870	1850	11.42	0	3	1.5	3
11.73	5440	152.61	100	17.3	12.03	5520	148.9	1910	1880	12.34	0	2.3	4.5	2.3
12.63	5600	67.89	14.1	-3	12.93	5240	12.8	1010	1390	13.23	0	0	0	0
13.53	4440	10.06	8.2	3	13.84	4440	14.3	1010	1090	14.14	0	0	0	0
14.44	4360	10.14	7.1	4.5	14.74	4320	12	1010	1060	15.04	0	0	0	0
15.35	4240	10.22	7.5	4.5	15.65	4200	12	1010	1050	15.95	0	0	0	0
16.25	4080	9.92	7.1	4.5	16.55	4040	12	1010	1050	16.84	0	0	0	0

Group A:	'003				Group B:	'115				Group C:	'020			
	RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign. Timing		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres.	Absolute Pres.		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization
TIME					TIME					TIME				
STAMP	 /min	 g/s	 %	 °BTDC	STAMP	 /min	 %	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP	°KW	°KW	°KW	°KW
0.03	2120	14.72	10.2	32.3	0.3	2120	42.9	1010	1060	0.6	0	0	0	0
0.91	2200	39.75	87.1	20.3	1.21	2240	91	1940	1240	1.51	0	0	0	0
1.81	2360	55.03	97.6	15	2.12	2440	117.3	1810	1550	2.42	0	0	0	0
2.72	2600	71.28	100	12.8	3.02	2680	137.6	1800	1800	3.32	0	0	0	0
3.62	2880	77.42	100	12.8	3.93	2960	142.1	1790	1800	4.23	0	0	0	0
4.53	3120	85.19	100	15.8	4.83	3240	141.4	1810	1800	5.13	0	0	0	0
5.43	3400	91.25	100	17.3	5.73	3480	142.1	1830	1810	6.04	0	3	0	0
6.34	3680	100.56	100	18	6.64	3760	141.4	1810	1830	6.94	0	3	0	0
7.24	3920	102.94	100	16.5	7.55	4000	140.6	1800	1830	7.85	0	2.3	0	3
8.15	4160	112.22	100	17.3	8.45	4240	140.6	1810	1800	8.75	0	2.3	0	3
9.05	4400	118.14	100	18.8	9.36	4480	140.6	1820	1820	9.66	0	4.5	0	3
9.96	4600	123.67	99.6	19.5	10.26	4680	140.6	1830	1830	10.56	0	4.5	0	2.3
10.87	4800	127.31	99.6	14.3	11.17	4880	142.1	1830	1810	11.47	0	3.8	3	2.3
11.77	5000	134.14	100	20.3	12.07	5080	139.8	1850	1820	12.37	0	3.8	3	4.5
12.69	5200	142.08	100	16.5	12.99	5280	140.6	1880	1870	13.28	3	6.8	2.3	4.5
13.58	5400	151.44	99.6	14.3	13.88	5440	116.5	1540	1510	14.18	3	6.8	2.3	4.5
14.49	5520	104.83	53.7	22.5	14.79	5440	12.8	1010	1360	15.09	0	0	0	0
15.39	5440	12.67	9.4	4.5	15.69	5400	12	1010	1090	15.99	0	0	0	0
16.3	5360	12.67	9	6	16.6	5280	12	1010	1050	16.9	0	0	0	0
18.14	5120	12.44	9	5.3	17.51	5200	12	1010	1040	17.8	0	0	0	0
19.11	5000	12.19	9	5.3	18.51	5080	12.8	1010	1040	18.81	0	0	0	0
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Active Member
Apr 24, 2008
Surrey/SW London
Can I ask how you get to that conclusion, not being awkward but genuinely want to know?

At 5400 it seems that MAF in all three readings is around 151/152, isn't that fairly consistent?


Stage 2 Revo'd
Dec 10, 2004
Your g/s is very low if you look in this thread Chris gets 173 or 177 depending on what filter he's using.
You are around 197 bhp 158/ 0.8 = 197.5 bhp

Can I ask how you get to that conclusion, not being awkward but genuinely want to know?

At 5400 it seems that MAF in all three readings is around 151/152, isn't that fairly consistent?

I just go down the g/s and see what the highest is.
Bearing in mind chris is getting 173 and 177 and on my tweaked stage one i get 176 which is 220 bhp.

I can't read the logs like DPJ or Damoegan do (or other names lol) i can just see your maf is low :)


Active Member
Apr 24, 2008
Surrey/SW London
Only trouble is I have a limited stretch of road to do this in, so I may back at various points slightly differently, I think at 5400 the MAF showing the same reading, so I presume hopefully it isn't degrading rapidly :eek:)

How does the boost look, I presume it reads above normal ambient air pressure so 1.900 mbar = .9 bar approximately ?


Sir Bob,a geordy legend..
Oct 15, 2007
A Lee already said, low MAF reading for a LCR - I'd expect 160-170g/s for a standard LCR.

Boost looks fine, intake temps are fine, and CF's are fine..

You realy need to do a longer power run in 4th to at least 6.5k rpm.
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