PhilW's Mk3 Ibiza Project Thread - 3071 - Now Breaking!

Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Good to see your progress Phil, your car has come along way :)

Whoa! Long time no speak! Thanks chief. :)

New ECU turned up today, massive thanks once again to Alex @ BDM.

If i can get my parts from Forge then i should be up and running this weekend, cant wait!!


p34ch3y said:
very nice.....spray the alt black i recon

+1 looks great but as said alternator sticks out like a sore thumb with the rest of the bay looking gleaming. Although I read alternators can be a bit funny with being taken out and refitted. Luck of the draw I guess.

You on a race with Robdon on who can get there's finished first :lol:
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Rob will finish his waaayyyyy before mine. lol

I have a spare alternator which im going to work out how to get the cage off and spray up then swap over soon. Its always been one of my hates on the bay.

Should have my final parts this weeke, silicone hoses, heat shielding etc..

Ive also redone the wriring for the fuel pump relay in heavier gauge wiring to be sure.

Need to make up some bonnet raisers here in work to help lower ambient engine bay temps.


Hi Phil..Really nice build..cant wait to see her done..good luck cheers
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
It runs! No leaks so far but still some work to be done. Need to trim the bumper a little and connect my walbro pump.

Idles fine, can see it being a noisy little bugger when she's on full beans but other than that I'm happy

I've not driven it yet as I'm missing my side mounts for my seats!
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Well i drove it today. Dear lord. lol. Broke down 4 times due to a flat battery which i couldnt start the car after stalling it, and 3 times blowing boost hoses. lol.

Im only running 16-18psi and with some dodgy EBC but it dont half fly past 4k ish, a bit laggy but i just need to get used to it, a lot different from my k03s setup which started spooling just by looking at it. lol. Fuelling seems pretty good but its pretty difficult to see it completely when it comes on boost.

Need to add more heatshielding at the back of the engine and move the feed to my greddy solenoid pre throttle body as thats what Greddy suggests to do.

STILL waiting on my bonnet lifters, some 5 weeks and nothing, Venom are USELESS, ignoring my emails and have yet to let me know when ill be gettin them.

Big thanks to Gripz for 4 new Yoko Paradas today, quality service as always. Cheers Pete. :D

Pics to follow. :D
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Thanks mark, glad to have it back on the road.

Just hope everything ive done works ok, im hoping for people to really look at my setup to see if ive missed something or need to do something different.
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Intercooler fitted completely, some trimming on the right and left hand sides for the pipework, could have kept the fogs as well.


OEM heatshield..



Passenger side pipework.

Walbro pump mounted on the chasis leg.

Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
DV connection back to the TIP, need to get a better reducer for this elbow, but it works fine at the moment...


Supersize DV location

Overall engine bay shots.

Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Think you should invest in one of those turbo jackets Phil;) Car looks spot on mate, might have to copy the black wrinkle though.:p

Ive been looking at those, will probably get one when i got a bit of spare cash. lol.

Very very tidy phil!

Thanks very much. :)

Stunning work Phil, are you going to E38 this weekend?

Cheers mate, appreciate it. I was going to do Trax as i wanted the track time but i cant see me doign either now which is a shame.
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