Run some logs - have a look please


Active Member
Dec 2, 2009
Been out and run some logs - what do you think.

Saturday      26June        201015:34:14
06A 906 032 HN  1.8L R4/5VT         0001

        Group A:'003                            Group B:'020                            Group C: Not Running
                Idle speAir massThrot AnIgnit Angle     Idle StaIdle StaIdle StaIdle Stabilization
        TIME    700-820 2.0-4.5 0.2-4.0%0-12 BTDTIME                                    TIME
Marker  STAMP    /min    g/s    %        °BTDC  STAMP    CF      CF      CF      CF     STAMP
            0.88    2000   23.31    15.3    21.8    0.48       0       0       0       0
            1.89    2320   48.14     100    16.5    1.38       0       3       3       3
            2.69    2640   65.19     100    10.5    2.29       3       6       6       3
            3.49    3000   88.39     100     4.5    3.09       3       6       6       6
             4.4    3440  108.08     100     3.8       4       3     5.3     5.3       6
             5.2    3800  119.25     100     6.8     4.8       3     5.3     5.3     5.3
               6    4240  125.89     100     9.8     5.6       3     5.3     4.5     5.3
            6.91    4640  133.33     100    10.5    6.42       6     4.5     7.5     5.3
            7.83    5040  139.47     100    10.5    7.33       6     4.5     7.5     8.3
            8.74    5400   142.5     100    14.3    8.34       6     7.5    10.5     8.3
            9.63    5720  147.25     100    15.8    9.14     5.3    10.5    10.5     7.5
           10.45    5960  149.19    99.6      18   10.03     5.3    10.5     9.8    10.5
           11.35    6200  150.19     100      21   10.93     5.3    10.5     9.8    10.5
           12.15    6160    9.56     5.5    36.8   11.74     8.3     9.8       9     9.8
           13.04    6080   13.89     9.4    13.5   12.56       0       0       0       0

Saturday      26June        201015:57:41
06A 906 032 HN  1.8L R4/5VT         0001

        Group A:'115                            Group B:'031                            Group C: Not Running
                Engine SEngine LSpec. BoActual Boost    Lambda FLambda FBin. BitBin. Bits
        TIME    700-680015-150% 990-1800<=1800 mTIME                                    TIME
Marker  STAMP    /min   %        mbar    mbar   STAMP                                   STAMP
            0.87    2040    35.3     990    1050    0.35   0.953   0.945
            1.67    2200    66.9    2470     980    1.26   0.906   0.945
            2.47    2360    97.7    2450    1270    2.06   0.883   0.906
            3.47    2720   125.6    2500    1630    2.98   0.883   0.891
            4.27    3080   153.4    2550    1960    3.87   0.891   0.891
            5.09    3480   166.2    2460    2120    4.67   0.891   0.891
            5.89    3880   161.7    2460    2090    5.49   0.883   0.875
            6.69    4320   157.1    2370    2020     6.3   0.844   0.844
             7.5    4680   151.1    2250    1900    7.09   0.828   0.828
             8.5    5080   143.6    2100    1850    8.02   0.828   0.821
            9.31    5400   138.3    2020    1780    8.91   0.813   0.821
           10.13    5680   133.1    1970    1750    9.71   0.821   0.821
           10.93    5960   131.6    1930    1690   10.53   0.805   0.797
           11.73    6160   127.8    1940    1670   11.31   0.766   0.774
           12.53    6320   124.1    1950    1660   12.13   0.797   0.789
           13.44    6520   121.1    1950    1670   12.94   0.821   0.828
           14.24    6680   120.3     990    1660   13.84   0.813   0.813
           15.14    5160    89.5    2050    1100   14.65       1   0.836
           15.95    5160    33.1    1000    1710   15.55   0.821   0.821

Saturday      26June        201015:40:28
06A 906 032 HN  1.8L R4/5VT         0001

        Group A:'118                            Group B:'032                            Group C: Not Running
                Engine SAir TempBoost DuActual Boost    Idle O2 Run O2 A
        TIME    700-6800<=110 C 0-100%  <=1800 mTIME       -10.1   -10.1                TIME
Marker  STAMP    /min   °C      %        mbar   STAMP   %       %                       STAMP
            0.01    2120      35       0    1020    0.51     0.2    -0.8
            0.91    2320      34    86.3    1290    1.31     0.2    -0.8
            1.81    2640      33    86.3    1670    2.21     0.2    -0.8
            2.62    2960      33    86.3    2000    3.12     0.2    -0.8
            3.52    3400      32    86.3    2110    3.92     0.2    -0.8
            4.33    3800      32    86.3    2090    4.83     0.2    -0.8
            5.23    4200      32    86.3    2030    5.63     0.2    -0.8
            6.05    4600      33    86.3    1950    6.44     0.2    -0.8
            6.94    5000      33    86.3    1860    7.34     0.2    -0.8
            7.74    5320      33    85.5    1810    8.16     0.2    -0.8
            8.56    5640      34    86.3    1740    8.96     0.2    -0.8
            9.36    5920      35    86.3    1680    9.76     0.2    -0.8
           10.16    6200      36    86.3    1670   10.57     0.2    -0.8
           10.97    6480      36    86.3    1660   11.37     0.2    -0.8
           11.89    6760      36      82    1630   12.38     0.2    -0.8
           12.78    7000      37       0    1710   13.18     0.2    -0.8


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
quite abit of timmin pull there....
boost dosnt seem to be met...(check for leaks)...
what map is this?


Active Member
Dec 2, 2009
Stage 1 I have bin having sum problems with it had the timing belt changed about a month ago what can I do about the timing problem


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
sort the leak out 1st....
to reudce timming...better cooling so good spark plugs, fmic..higher octance fuel...


Active Member
Dec 2, 2009
Iv just had a fmic put on and I'm going to start yousing tesco 99 is that good wher cood the leak be cuming from
Last edited:


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
sort you boost leak out 1st then re log the maf if not borrow some one lese maf and see any differnt...


Active Member
Dec 2, 2009
Cool I will start looking to moz wet to start looking to moz how will I know if it's leaking


Rubbing is Racing :-)
Mar 4, 2008
10.5 timing pull, I'd bit worried! Try high octane fuel to reduce this, and sort the boost leak, and re-log. If you are still getting high CFs you may need the map tweaking to dial out some timing.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2009
cool thank for that do you think i shod email my logs to the man how map my car to se what he say about it all. so it Tesco octane 99 good for my car


Rubbing is Racing :-)
Mar 4, 2008
the reason the ECU pulls your timing is because it is sensing knock/predetonation (a bad thing). The higher the CF the worse the knock it is sensing. The higher the octane, the lower the potential for predetonation, so your CFs should go down with tesco 99
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