What is it with cat owners and their 'holier than thou' attitude. Your animals are a menace and you can't fob people off by saying 'Oh I just can't control it, it's wild'...blah blah blah
It's YOUR cat and YOUR responsibility, if I take a chisel to your bonnet I'll just say I couldn't control the chisel...Sorry.
For your info I'll happily boot your cat up the arse in the daylight. Can I suggest a more humane approach, get the neighbours cat in the back of your car, drive 15 miles to a nice hilly area and drop the cat off there. It'll be ok, it's wild, it wanders and does it's own thing.
Idiotic ad hominem attacks are the staple of brainless morons who lack the intellect to say anything worthwhile. They sit at their computers, wheezing with asthmatic indignation, unable to think clearly (not that they ever think clearly tbf), and desperately grasp at personal details about their interlocutor. Height, weight, post count, time spent on forums, footballing allegiance - anything goes when you're an internet hardman on an adrenaline high.
This thread is getting silly. Some reason, compromise and common sense need tobe applied.
I would get a car cover simple. Can't expect the neighbour to control a cat that will roam and canno be trained to not jump on cars.
This thread is getting silly. Some reason, compromise and common sense need tobe applied.
I would get a car cover simple. Can't expect the neighbour to control a cat that will roam and canno be trained to not jump on cars.
The most articulate post I've read this year!
.....just be careful you don't mess with this cat....
Idiotic ad hominem attacks are the staple of brainless morons who lack the intellect to say anything worthwhile. They sit at their computers, wheezing with asthmatic indignation, unable to think clearly (not that they ever think clearly tbf), and desperately grasp at personal details about their interlocutor. Height, weight, post count, time spent on forums, footballing allegiance - anything goes when you're an internet hardman on an adrenaline high.
If you was my next door neighbour, and attempted to do anything to my cat, you would get a fist straight from me in the face, and ofcourse a good beating!! No second thoughts, this would only happen if you was male ofcourse. Stop bitching about a cat, and get a car cover as jonjay pointed out. If your not going to get one, stop moaning as you clearly cant be bothered to do anything about it. Get on with it. My cat sits on my mums car, you dont see her moaning about it on here
Just thought id say my piece
Just to lighten up the thread, i had to buy two showercaps for my wingmirrors, since some randy little sparrow started shitting all over my mirrors, thought the reflection was a mate,
cats scratch yes but it shouldnt get through to the paint,, try a scented polish like mentioned,
sparrows are into scat???
that i dont know, im thinking it sh** itself with excitment