So this morning I have mostly been swearing at the car, I mean sorting stuff out before the London meet.
I took the back lights off and painted behind them again as you could see part of the white sealant which really bugged me. That's all better now
Heres a before and after shot of my new LED numberplate lights, as you can see from the pic I've not done the boot light yet
Then I replaced the splitter with a brand new one. unfortunately I have run out of red JoinCRASH
Here is a photo showing how incredibly easy it was to get the old one off:
Next I removed the red bike tape from the wheels. The reason I'm doing this is because I scuffed one of them (on a pothole grr) and when I bought some more tape it was the wrong width (a bit wider). this meant theat i had to replace the tape on all wheels.
Problem with this was that my cheap refurb has shafted me. When I took some of the tape off where one of the scuffs was, it took the
paint with it:
Annoying since I'm so careful when parking and then I scuff the wheels on a huge pothole
actually i did slide into a curb in the snow too, but that's what happens with daily drivers I guess. At least the alignment is okay. The wheels will need refurbing anyway since the paint is all cracked and the dirt has gone under the lacquer and they're covered in stone chips and now scuffs.
Anyway, this afternoon I will wash and hoover the car, paint the bits where the paint has come off the wheels, put the new bike tape on, and if I have time I'll give her a bit of a polish before the trip to the London meet.
Might take a few photos if I get her looking good