Bulb Sizes

Andrewcupra TDI

Resident Desk Jockey
Apr 30, 2008
in the mountains ( Wales )
which ones first or second lot think first might give a direct beam , but i have no experience with these

if im right then theres 4 festoons for puddle lights 1 for interior 1 for boot light and 2 for the number plate

so i need to order 8 39mm festoons ??



I think this would be good as a sticky for others so they dont need to keep posting light sizes.

If i miss any do tell :)



Dipped Headlights : H7
Full Headlights : H1
Indicators : 382
Sidelights : 501 Wedges
Fogs : H3


Indicators : 382
Reverse : 382
Stop/tail: 380 Dual filliment.
Fogs : 382
Numberplate : Festoon 42mm.


Glove Box : Festoon 36/39mm
Boot : Festoon 39mm
Central Light: 2x 501 wedges and Festoon 42mm
Door Lights: Festoon: 36/39mm
Roof Linning Lights: ?????

Some may disagree with sizes on bulbs by a mm or two but the sizes are based on this fabulous seller bellow

LEDs Festoons etc




p.s order in dollars and take advantage that our economy is stronger.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I ordered 42mm festoons for the rear numberplate lights as recommended above and they do not fit.

I know people say that you can use bigger ones if it's only a mm or two, but they are much too big and do not stay in the holders at all.

I now have two bulbs I need to get rid of and two more i need to buy. :cry:

FYI the roof lining/rear interior lights are T5s - they fit perfectly after a slight trimming with a scalpel ;)


39s should fit, the 42s were just a few mm too big to stay in.

I'm a bit gutted really, I dont see how someone can start a thread recommending something that doesnt work at all and not have to edit it for two years. i woulda thought someone would have noticed by now.

Waste of my money. [:@]