At the moment the Weitec's aren't really that much more, maybe £10-£20.
Damian @ DPM Performance
Damian @ DPM Performance
My AP's are pretty good ride quality. I'd say similar to an OEM sports setup in the firmness/comfort, but with adjustable height. Setup with a Whiteline RARB and Forge Front Strut Brace and handling is pretty good.
Yes I would rather spend a bit more like yourself I do want the car lower and realise alot of kits seem to not lower the ridiculously high arse of the ibiza enough. But am not fussed about it being on the floor as I live on a farm and have to drive over a cattle grid every time I leave my house and there is the worlds biggest speed hump at my local Tesco i go to ever 2 weeks!
I will NOT buy FK, hot tuning as seen scary pics of things breaking on here and hot tuning are just cheap and the materials not good quality. No one at my local meets seems to have a lowered FR!lol Every thread I search for everyone just harps on about how low it goes not much about the ride but I will keep searching. Do some more posts and you can post p on here!
That is what I thought I would much prefer KW as they are stainless as I am worried about corrosion tbh but they are just too much money.
Gonna go for Weitecs, spent 3 hours looking and reading posts my brain hurts!!Price hunting tomorrow night any links welcome