Up rating the air flow on an LCR induction and exhaust kits??


I have fitted my K&N 57i kit to my LCR a few weeks ago and i must say that i am impressed and how much different the car is, i have let in run in for a few hundered miles and it is just brilliant.

the throtle responce has improved, the acceleration and the noise.

It just grunts, then yuo hear the turbo sucking in loads and the standard dump valve sounds amazing and really loud, proper turns head driving down the main street and at meets.

what i am wondering though is how i can make it better, i have my air intake directed towards the front of the car and i am thinking about a forge dump vavle but i dont know wether the spend the £100 + to get one, seeing as the car already sounds awsum.

Are they worth it and dose it make the tishhhhhhh noise any more "tame" and sound more tuned?

Advice is appriciated as always.

Also has anybody fitted a Milltek CAT BACK non resonated exhaust to and lcr 225? is it worth it and and what is the sound like?



GHE Tuning
Aug 15, 2007
Plymouth, Devon
I have fitted my K&N 57i kit to my LCR a few weeks ago and i must say that i am impressed and how much different the car is, i have let in run in for a few hundered miles and it is just brilliant.

the throtle responce has improved, the acceleration and the noise.

It just grunts, then yuo hear the turbo sucking in loads and the standard dump valve sounds amazing and really loud, proper turns head driving down the main street and at meets.

what i am wondering though is how i can make it better, i have my air intake directed towards the front of the car and i am thinking about a forge dump vavle but i dont know wether the spend the £100 + to get one, seeing as the car already sounds awsum.

Are they worth it and dose it make the tishhhhhhh noise any more "tame" and sound more tuned?

Advice is appriciated as always.

Also has anybody fitted a Milltek CAT BACK non resonated exhaust to and lcr 225? is it worth it and and what is the sound like?


Replace the standard valve defo, plastic one is prone to failure. Ive got the 57i and Forge 007p and it sounds nice on release, not to chavvy! def worth the £100, but check the for sale section and fleabay, might find one cheaper. If not speak with Damian at DPM Performance he'll strike you a deal, espeacially if you bought the Forge Turbo Intake Pipe (TIP) aswell.
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