Naughty Rubens

Well well well...what a very naughty boy. I know it's great to be outspoken and passionate but one step too far me thinks - can you imagine if you said those kind of things about your employer....err...out the door, feet wouldn't touch the ground.

Wonder what will happen.


Back from the dead
Well well well...what a very naughty boy. I know it's great to be outspoken and passionate but one step too far me thinks - can you imagine if you said those kind of things about your employer....err...out the door, feet wouldn't touch the ground.

Wonder what will happen.

Whilst we live in a world where 'what comes around tends to go around', in this instance I do feel for him and understand why he felt the need to speak out.

The world is entrenched in a culture of towing the corporate line, and it's great / refreshing / pleasantly surprising / revolutionary (take your pick), to hear someone just speak their mind.

Part of the reason I left 'big business' is because all to often I felt like Rubens did yesterday, but in a mundane job kind of way!
Whilst we live in a world where 'what comes around tends to go around', in this instance I do feel for him and understand why he felt the need to speak out.

The world is entrenched in a culture of towing the corporate line, and it's great / refreshing / pleasantly surprising / revolutionary (take your pick), to hear someone just speak their mind.

Part of the reason I left 'big business' is because all to often I felt like Rubens did yesterday, but in a mundane job kind of way!

I totally agree about 'towing the corporate line' but he did even confess that he hadn't spoken to the team - pretty silly to pass judgement (especially as it was judgement and not fact) without actually knowing the facts. We simply don't know what was going on in the team.:confused:

I guess my point is, it's a people business not a 'driver' business - I feel he took advantage of his profile and platform and the guys on the team don't have a right to reply on the Beeb do they?!:shrug:

I'm sure they'd have choice words to say about his performance from time to time! The team environment is so delecate and he'd have been much better offering them advice rather than ruining them on international TV!


Back from the dead
I'm sure they'd have choice words to say about his performance from time to time! The team environment is so delecate and he'd have been much better offering them advice rather than ruining them on international TV!

that is a very fair comment, and to be fair to the team they couldn't help the fuel rig issue.

Very often these great emotional outbursts are part of a much bigger can of worms so be interesting to see how that develops as the season plays out. I guess he feels there have been a culmination of issues in the season which are seeing him sidelined to no.2, and after years of playing rear gunner to Micky S. at the Scuderia, maybe he's finally letting his frustrations out before it history repeats!


Back older greyer and less oilier but always hope
Jun 19, 2001
wasn't that long ago that Jenson was saying similar when it was Honda, mind you was a little more subtle i guess
Dec 31, 2007
Feel for him but think he was in the wrong - he wouldnt have known it was rig issue and anyone worth their bacon should've checked first - if you are in a situation where you rely on a team the last thing you want is to alienate them/yourself, especially when it could easily be outside their control. He should've spoken to at least someone first - anyone that had seen what happened could have told him briefly, didnt even have to be his team he spoke to.
wasn't that long ago that Jenson was saying similar when it was Honda, mind you was a little more subtle i guess

True - and he was a little less 'experienced' should we say. Either way I think Rubens has somewhat lowered his stock value - he must know he hasn't got a drive next year because none of the sponsors will be keen on that kind of outburst. I'm sure the big man will have given him a clip round the lug-hole!
that is a very fair comment, and to be fair to the team they couldn't help the fuel rig issue.

Very often these great emotional outbursts are part of a much bigger can of worms so be interesting to see how that develops as the season plays out. I guess he feels there have been a culmination of issues in the season which are seeing him sidelined to no.2, and after years of playing rear gunner to Micky S. at the Scuderia, maybe he's finally letting his frustrations out before it history repeats!

I guess the learning is, he can say whatever he likes, but has to accept the consequenses! If he'd discredited my team like that I'd be furious. Don't forget, they took a punt on him, Brawn put in his own cash and the sponsors deserve more respect - it's a business! They'd be within their rights to sack him for deformation. All drivers are under contract to not bring the team into disrepute...if they do...there are penalties - he knows the rules!


Back from the dead
I guess the learning is, he can say whatever he likes, but has to accept the consequenses!

At 37(?) he's not got a lot to lose. He's had a fair crack, and given his performance in recent years has been on borrowed time for a while.

I only caught part of his ramblings this morning so didn't get to hear it all as I was getting ready. The bit I heard wasn't particularly controversial, but then I have quite wide boundaries and a very low thresh hold for getting offended by what people say.

If you live by the sword, you can eventually die by it. Controversial though this may sound, I get bored sh1tless of hearing the drivers (from most formulas) spouting about the same old dull corporate nothingness day in day out. They interview them all and occasionally Alonso, Webber or Raikonnen may same something a bit pointed, but it's one of the things I find so mind-numbing painful about F1 is the cloning. Whilst I don't condone deformation, I personally could forgive RB as he has some outward passion, and has a history of being a very pleasant guy (this one outburst aside). I hope that if the team pull this apart later on, there will be the emotional maturity internally to move beyond it, but by the sounds of it the damage is done already.


Everything in Moderation
Jun 23, 2003
I think when Rubens discovers the facts about the fuelling rig he will feel a little embarassed.

Before the last stop Jenson was obviously the quicker driver so no surprise he leap frogged Rubens.

wasn't that long ago that Jenson was saying similar when it was Honda, mind you was a little more subtle i guess

........and Lewis about McLaren

There is a pattern forming.......they are all miserable gits :cartman:
If you live by the sword, you can eventually die by it. Controversial though this may sound, I get bored sh1tless of hearing the drivers (from most formulas) spouting about the same old dull corporate nothingness day in day out. They interview them all and occasionally Alonso, Webber or Raikonnen may same something a bit pointed, but it's one of the things I find so mind-numbing painful about F1 is the cloning.

I think all fans, me included, like a bit of straight talking but the fact is, someone else pays for it so you have to toe the line to a degree. In a very simplistic way, it's advertising and sponsors don't like their brands being associated with that kind of thing most of the time.

BTCC is a bit different - you'll notice they slag other teams off and the administration mostly - not their own! That's entertainment!


status subject to change
but on balance, they do seem to consistently apply the wrong strategy for rubens car and dont appear to 'adapt it' during the race.
Rubens requested, or asked if he could change to a 2 stop strategy.. i think the fuelling issue got to him as he ended up stopping a fair time and he thought they had swapped to a 2 stop!

We wonder why many people dont give interviews after races... perhaps this shows why.

But i do think hes completely wrong to think the team cost him a win.. he was never going to win.
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Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
rubens.. still fired up from the race.. inflamed from button passing him again thru the pit stops, and thinks again the team are against him.

he has a monkey on his back still.

Braun is a master of keeping things calm. fair play.
words behind closed doors shortly afterwards to show Rubens the error of his frustrated outburst

He should think himself fortunate he is'nt a Williams driver given Frank said he would sack him.


Back from the dead
did he?

i thought he said he would swallow his pride and have a word, but that a further incident would not be tolerated...

I think maybe Eddie Jordan said it was a potential sacking offense, but then retracted it based on the fact that he and Rubens had been together for 4 years. There's too much hot air and ego in the paddock these days.

As for the sponsors, do I think any less of Virgin / Brawn for what RB has said? In the grand scheme of my life I couldn't care less.

Whilst sponsorship is a key attribute of any sport, I'm always slightly bemused when companies feel that they can be slandered by the conduct of a sporting ambassador if they are expressing themselves freely, and not a directing an attack on their brand. Take RBS for example on Williams, they hardly have a glowing track record of financial conduct, and as an organisation I don't believe they are at the top of their game. What Nico Rosberg says in his spare time will have next to no impact on my view of them as I don't relate the two entities as ambassadors of each other, it's purely that the corporation pays for ad space on a blokes racewear.

To throw another angle into the mix, news coverage is news coverage. Bad or good, it all gets airtime. Kate Moss was able to ride her luck for ages even though she was kicking the crap out of rental houses and pumping all sorts of crap into her veins. I can understand companies not wanting that. A bit of misplaced passion in a long career I can tolerate.


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
did he?

i thought he said he would swallow his pride and have a word, but that a further incident would not be tolerated...

I thought thats what the bbc online interview said..

he was out of line, opened his mouth before he got the facts and was still adrenalised after the race. he is a racing driver after all. next to nowt will come of it. next headline will be who will be FIA boss, and all will be forgotten.. Ari gets my vote (if I had one) - Mosely needs to leave now

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Back older greyer and less oilier but always hope
Jun 19, 2001
still no such thing as bad publicity i guess, has anyone seen any mention of who won the race ? :):)

well done webber i say - good on ya bruce !!
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