If your fuel trims are coming into line, then the maf readings are getting nearer to the ones the map was written for. This does not say that the maf is reading accuratey in vag com, just that the values correspond to the correct possitions in the map.
Fuel density does vary a tiny bit, and fpr springs are not absolutely accurate, but i'd expect fuel trims to be + or - 1%or less. This of course only works with no boost or vac leaks.
You need to make sure you're doing multiple logs as well. They need to be repeatable after a few runs to realy get any accuracy. I once got my ihi to read 275g/s on a single log, (effin cold out and cold engine), where it was only repeatable in the 245-250g/s range. You need to ignore single logs.
Personally, I'd chuck the aluminium maf as I don't see what it gains you, stick a standard one on, and then check your fuel trims. It's a lot quicker than all this messing about.