water in my v5 again........errrrrr


I cut the slots in the door seal and cleaned them out too, also hoovered out the water. Its bone dry now, doesnt let any water in at all even with very heavy rain. Thanks for the tip GaryRF.
cheers Gib


My Tolly has only started leaking in the last 2 months, and is only the passenger side, but it's like a Gold fish bowl now !!! :cry:

Can someone take pics of these chopped door seals & or provide a link with details on how to repalce the sealeant on the inside of the door trims ? :thumbup:

Many thanks

(Chipped 2003 1.9 TDi SE)

Toledo Steve

Apr 20, 2006
Oily, I,ll be frank, I think replacing the door card seals is an extreme measure, that will only be successful if your doors are filling up with water. You need to cut 2 cuts about 1-2 mm wide in your main door aperture seals at the bottom. Imagine you have shrunk to the size of a . where is the water collecting???? on top of the seal and it then runs the easiest way, which sadly is into the car!!! so the cuts (Which will make you whince!! why am I almost destroying these expensive door aperture rubbers????) well it worked for me. Think about it, its a design fault, the rubber seals let that water collect instead of channeling it away. The drastic cuts will do the channeling away. Also if yr doors are filling up, feel up under the door bottom rubber, when shut it squashes up and traps water and allows the holes to get blocked... clean the holes and put 2 cuts in this rubber by the holes (no one can see this cut.) The water in the door can then run outside the car, just like with the other 2 cuts they are channeling the water to the outside rather than in.


Thanks for the reply "Toledo Steve" - I did find your suggestion on multiple other threads & was going to give this a go before spending hours pulling the doors apart.

Many thanks:thumbup:

mac re

Oily, I,ll be frank, I think replacing the door card seals is an extreme measure, that will only be successful if your doors are filling up with water. You need to cut 2 cuts about 1-2 mm wide in your main door aperture seals at the bottom. Imagine you have shrunk to the size of a . where is the water collecting???? on top of the seal and it then runs the easiest way, which sadly is into the car!!! so the cuts (Which will make you whince!! why am I almost destroying these expensive door aperture rubbers????) well it worked for me. Think about it, its a design fault, the rubber seals let that water collect instead of channeling it away. The drastic cuts will do the channeling away. Also if yr doors are filling up, feel up under the door bottom rubber, when shut it squashes up and traps water and allows the holes to get blocked... clean the holes and put 2 cuts in this rubber by the holes (no one can see this cut.) The water in the door can then run outside the car, just like with the other 2 cuts they are channeling the water to the outside rather than in.

I understand your frankness
though i have re sealed my door pannel and hay presto the car has stopped getting wet
it is not the fact the door fills up it is the fact that water runs down the inside of the door pannel,


hits the seal and runs down the rest of the door, or in the case of your door seal worn/Broken then sits there and finds it way in to your car.
I used a sealent from the Pound shop did just the thing(Stopped water coming in the car).

nice dry car HIPPPPPEEEE

Oily the car door will take 1-2 hour to take apart, reseal and put back.
the pain though is the plug that gose to the lock that is a pain.


Hope your car is well soon:)



I have the same issue but not sure which part of the seal to cut. When it rain and then I open the drivers door my feet get wet as water is sitting on the door seal, and the carpet in the front a rear are wet. Could you take photo of area to cut and post?


Sorry. This site wont let me post Pix's and URL's until after I've posted 15 replies. Stick an Email address up and then I can send it direct. Then delete your address if you want. Garry.


Water Pcis

Gary, Thanks for your reply if you could send to me emial that would be great.
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