Windows went down in middle of night on their own!

Jun 5, 2008
did anyone find out a reason for the windows going down?? This happened to mine last night during the monsoon we were having yesterday, luckily the car was parked in the garage. The doors were still locked but the alarm was not turned on?? This is very strange as my keys were sat in my kitchen no where near me, worrying to say the least


Jan 7, 2008
Crawley, West Sussex
Worrying indeed! Got any Honda Civics or Citroen C2's parked near you?

Mine hasn't done it since and every time I've unlocked the C2 I've kept a close eye on the Leon.

However - something I have noticed - the unlock button on the C2 remote has become unreliable since the day that it opened the Leon. I wonder if this is coincidence, or possibly related to it unlocking the Leon - thoughts anyone?

It now sometimes works to unlock the C2, and sometimes does nothing at all. The Lock button on the C2 remote is fine and always works.

(no jokes about Citroens falling apart please! Although it's true - bits are falling off it at an alarming rate... anyone who thinks Leons are badly made/rattle etc should try driving a Citroen...)
Jun 5, 2008
i have a C1 which doesnt live too far away from me, the nearest is a pasatt and a focus st, fingers crossed it wont happen again!


Active Member
Oct 15, 2008
THis happened to mine and i was stood right next to it wen it happened just about to lock the doors and all the windows went down! happened twice now!


Sep 4, 2006
Has anyone found the solution to this problem? I discovered my two front windows on my 56 plate Reference Sport were down about two inches this morning. Both front seats are damp and water marks are all over the dash, door panel and steering wheel - due to the crappy weather we've had over the past week!

I had already pressed the unlock button on my fob before I noticed the windows were down, so I don't know if the doors were already unlocked (wasn't paying attention so didn't notice the 'clunk' of the locks opening). I then put the windows back up, locked the car and went back to fetch a towel for the seat. When I returned, the passenger window was down again!

I've now parked the car in sight of my window in my office and so far, so good. No windows down again...yet.

I searched on here and found this thread. Anyone had joy yet, before I phone the stealer?



Just a thought - do any of you live close to a military depot (TA Centre) or Police Station etc? Sometimes they use 'special' kit that has bizarre side effects on nearby equipment owned by innocent citizens. They don't intend it to happen to you (unless you are the target!!) - it just does sometimes.


Sep 4, 2006
Just a thought - do any of you live close to a military depot (TA Centre) or Police Station etc? Sometimes they use 'special' kit that has bizarre side effects on nearby equipment owned by innocent citizens. They don't intend it to happen to you (unless you are the target!!) - it just does sometimes.

I think that idea can be scrubbed as I don't live near any of those. :D

So far (4 hours later) the windows haven't gone down again. The idea of other car's fobs interfering sounds the most plausible so far. I think I'll give the stealers a call and ask their opinion as it may be a common complaint and be well known to them and other Seat Dealerships - going by the amount of replies to this thread, it should be. :shrug:


Jan 7, 2008
Crawley, West Sussex
Hi all, sorry for long time no post. Happy to say that since last post my windows have stayed up and the car has stayed locked. I don't live near any military or police stations, and as far as I know nothing out of the ordinary is around the area I live.

The Citroen key fob has magically started working normally again. The unlock button works every time, just like it used to.

It seems too much of a coincidence to me that when that was playing up, was around the time the Leon's windows went down and the car unlocked. The C2 is due in for service soon so I will ask the Citroen dealer to check the key fob and tell them what's been happening.

Still doesn't explain why my neighbour's Honda key fob appeared to have unlocked the Leon once, though - but then I can't prove that for sure.

All very odd, and something I'll keep a close eye on and mention to the dealer next time I'm there.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2008
Hi Folks, im draggin up an old thread again but im guessing its preferable to a repeated thread.

Im at my parents house for holidays and tonight my dad came in and said all the windows were down.

I put them up with the ignition key in.

Its very odd as the car had not been used in over 24 hours and i had last looked at it 2-3 hours ago in daylight and the windows were up.

I have been in an out it whilst packing but can never think of holding the unlock button for long enough to cause the windows to go down so i don't think the key controlled windows is at fault.

Im just heading out to test with VAGCOM to see if there are any door or temp sensor issues as indicated on this and other posts.



Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
My mate told me once he had a landrover (or some other 4x4, can't remember exactly) and they got a new wireless doorbell. Whenever anyone pressed their doorbell, it caused the back window to automatically open! Rather than just bin the doorbell, he got the dealers to look at it - he said after many weeks of messing about and replacement parts, it was eventually sorted lol! :)


dose most mk3 ibiza key fobs work on other mk3s.because i went to a cruise in southapton befor christmas. there was another mk3 there the kiddy was playin music out the back.when he stopped it and tryed to lock his car it would set my alarm off and then his would go off when i turned my alarm off then ill leave my car open and he would try and lock his but it locked mine to. it went on like this for ages untill he realised what was going on and had a proper go at me for it but what he dint realise was we couldnt lock the cars they had to stay open in the end i got fed up and went home. dose anyone know whats goin on there?
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Back from the dead
I know it's a very long shot, but I heard a story of someones car immobiliser being affected by their wireless broadband. They could not start the car in range of their wireless router. It's unlikely, but with all the wireless $h1t flying about anything is possible. If I walk around my house in my wireless headphones when the music is between tracks you get all sorts of wireless interference from phones / microwaves / routers etc...

However, I'd expect the thread Rudd found about the faulty driver door lock shorting the system is far more likely explaination.
May 13, 2007
had this in 2006 when car was new ish finally sorted with new locks control modules and car ecu cost dealer a fortune in time and money car used to unlock its self and auto windows down
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