big bhp for Cupra


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
I for one won't be going any further with the mods, as personally can't justify spending 100's more £ for a couple more horses and a bit more midrange, when I got 320bhp 362lb/ft for £750 :D (Got my Milltek very cheap).. Would cost me nearly double that to get to get a few extra bhp, my warranty would go for a big fat $hit ]

Fair enough bud. One thing worth noting is that the pump is easily changed (3 bolts) and a new one is around £200, so after that is changed back to OEM, a stage 2 car is just like a stage 1 with regard to warranty.

It will be interesting to see how the non DSG stage 2 Ed30's/Cupras fair on the likes of the 1/4 mile too. It certainly appears that the DSG is good for 3-4 10ths of a second less time on the 1/4 mile over the manual so the likes of your car will most likely remain quicker than the stage 2+ cars with a manual box in accelaration.

Not heard from igor yet to see if he has met with Kev at Revo yet, but I know it will happen soon :)


Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
I have been ordered also APR HPFP pump with other necessary mods, which could get my car to the next level to Stage 2+. I'm not against for other version of pumps and always have my mind, that more expensive dont means always the best choice to go. I have chosen APR software for my Cupra, so its very easy to "stay" and choose also the APR HPFP product for their software.

I think so that APR is most expensive choice between these HPFP pumps, but I dont think so that I'm going wrong with that, when I use also their software to run it. If I have other company near by or place where I can get service for other HPFP products I would think again....

They have tested their every HPFP pumps and when my car gets new HPFP pump It will have tested at the same time and I will have custom service, if Something goes wrong...

So my point is that, If you live near by or could get customer service for your product its could be one choice to go....Giac, AutoTech, APR or KMDs products... [B)]


Sep 3, 2006
West Lothian
Was not trying to be pedantic actually :).

With these parts being so new, it will probably be a while before any faults show up on any of the pump variants. JKM have advised they have a customer who has done between 20,000 and 30,000 miles on an Autotech Pump with no problems and another customer who has done over 10,000 miles on a JKM pump. One runs a K04 and the other a K03s.

Looks like you will be going with the APR pump like Z. Hopefully it, along with the KMD, Autotech, GIAC and whoever else does upgrades will all work with the K04 turbo.

Spoke with Regal at the weekend and GIAC aren't doing a pump with the map its local tuner thing with the Audi guy mentioned prev.
But they(regal) are doing fuelpumps and recommend the autotech one for me.
VF engineering also do a pump now.


Full Member
Aug 31, 2004
So, on the subject of pumps - are these going to be a "must do upgrade" if anyone gets a remap, or is it only neccessary if peeps are wanting to go stage 2 and beyond. If i went for a remap i was hoping i could leave everything else stock for a while but all this talk of failures is putting me off..


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
To be fair, it is probably a good thing to take the pump off even if it is to just check the condition of the follower.

Also, even on a stage 1 remap, there is going to be deficiencies between fuel requested and fuel provided, but if you have a good remap, the safety features will remain intact and the code will instruct the boost to drop off to cover for the shortage of fuel. This will help prevent the car from running lean.

Funny how one person showing a super modified car with a particular pump fail (when it is getting seven shades of **** kicked out it) throws so many people off adding it to their car.

Out of interest, did anyone read what damage the failed pump caused to the aforementioned car with the failed fuel pump?
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Who need's a Diesel....
Feb 12, 2006
When the cam follower broke on the Awesome Stage 3 car, they just needed a new camshaft, which actually got replaced under warranty lol.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
Cupra has the same HPFP than MKV GTI Golf, but bigger injectors, which are also used with Audi S3.

Upgraded HPFP can give more fuel on lower RPMs area, which means more Torque and more power sooner than before it could be possible.

OEM HPFP can give enough fuel on Higher rpms area, but on lower to mid area it could make a Fuel cut, if upgraded software is more agressive than OEM HPFP could handle, so with OEM HPFP the problem is on lower sector (RPMs) area and those Upgraded HPFP, which could give more pressure on lower area, will help and give enough also on lower rpms area and engine could have enough fuel every rpms and every situation. HPFP works with engine revs, so lower revs it give less fuel than higher revs.....
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Dec 18, 2003
South Wales
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Mines just got Revo and you can feel mildly the shortage of fuel mid range, then at 5.5-6k the thing takes off. I'll be going for pump and new map soon i think but still very happy with it as it is. :)


Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
Mines just got Revo and you can feel mildly the shortage of fuel mid range, then at 5.5-6k the thing takes off. I'll be going for pump and new map soon i think but still very happy with it as it is. :)

Yep... !! It could be fuel cut and it feels something like that power is fading somewhere. Upgraded HPFP is good Upgrade in the end, cause it also gives power sooner and stronger than before and those "holes" on dynoGraph results are "smoother" :)

At the same time when upgrading HPFP it would be good to replace OEM IC to S3 InterCooler or APR InterCooler. S3 could be enough for regular use and OEM K04 Turbo. The engine is going to be very hot with upgraded software or after couple of heavy accellerations it could "pop" and the result is that ECU likes to fade those powerlevels lower cause the temperature is so high. :blink:

No one dont want that kind of results and the next answer for the problem is upgraded S3 IC or APRs big one :)
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Full Member
Aug 31, 2004
from a warranty point of view, if i went for a pump upgrade at time of remap would it still look o/e or stand out like a sore thumb?.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
from a warranty point of view, if i went for a pump upgrade at time of remap would it still look o/e or stand out like a sore thumb?.

If you choose to Upgrade to AutoTech or KMDs HPFP internals, it would be no change that someone could see that its replaced for other. APRs HPFP is whole new pump and has APR badge on it :) but you could take that "away".... If you have that kind of software which can set off and go to regular OEM software, powerlevels, then its not a problem and Upgraded HPFP works like OEM version. If upgraded HPFP works just fine that it should, its not possible to see, that you have "other" pump on engine :)


Full Member
Aug 31, 2004
If you choose to Upgrade to AutoTech or KMDs HPFP internals, it would be no change that someone could see that its replaced for other. APRs HPFP is whole new pump and has APR badge on it :) but you could take that "away".... If you have that kind of software which can set off and go to regular OEM software, powerlevels, then its not a problem and Upgrade If upgraded HPFP works just fine that it should, its not possible to see, that you have "other" pump on engine :)

Thanks for the info. I do intend to go for software that will allow me to return to oem map. From what iv,e read the Autotech seems a good option. Should i expect to pay around £200 plus say hours fitting charge?. Stattler in Sheffield seem good, i wonder if they offer Autotech


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
Yep... !! It could be fuel cut and it feels something like that power is fading somewhere.

Nah - Fuel cut is when the engine shuts itself down, not when it "feels weak".


SCN Veteran
May 27, 2001
Bedfordshire, UK
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The current uprated HPFP's out there are pretty much the standard hitachi issue one with a different plunger thing inside to make it push more fuel thru. So from engine bay point of view, you won't know its an uprated item.

The autotech upgrade for instance is just this, replace the plunger/rod thing inside the pump.

VFE aren't making their own pump anymore. They're now using the Autotech route as part of their BT kits. The white Regal GTI uses a prototype HPFP VFE produced last year for testing with their BT kit.


Sep 3, 2006
West Lothian
for anyone that wonders heres what you get if you take the internal option, i.e. your put into your existing oem pump casing.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
Thanks for the info. I do intend to go for software that will allow me to return to oem map. From what iv,e read the Autotech seems a good option. Should i expect to pay around £200 plus say hours fitting charge?. Stattler in Sheffield seem good, i wonder if they offer Autotech

I would say pay that fitting, cause they have a right "instruments" and the knowledge to do that kind of operations. £200 is lot of for the fitting, but its have to take OFF from enginebay and replace pump internals for new one and again fitted that to the orginal place and test with new software...


Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
Nah - Fuel cut is when the engine shuts itself down, not when it "feels weak".

Its still "fuel cut" but not that one what you are looking :p Totally Fuel Cut is totally CUT, but you could see that kind of "fading" example upgraded software stage 1 in mid RPMs area....


Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
Does someone here already have AutoTech or KMDs Upgraded internals in OEM HPFP and file for it to run right ?


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
Does someone here already have AutoTech or KMDs Upgraded internals in OEM HPFP and file for it to run right ?

Igor23 has an autotech in his and has nothing but praise for it so far.
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