Fitting HIDs problem


Active Member
Right am finally doing this now only problem seems to be when I put the bulbs themselves in they don't sit in place properly. The original bulbs were held in place with the wire surround things that clamp around the black plastic the bulbs are plugged into. Then you obviously unplug the original bulbs and plug in a red spade and black spade from the HIDs into the plack plastic bit the original bulbs came from then use the metal wire things again. But because you are not plugging the new bulbs into the plastic bit they are not held in place properly. I don't seem to be able to screw the bulbs in is this possible what am I doin wrong the bulbs move far to much and will blind everyone!

Deleted member 13581

I held my bulb in with the clip.

I fed the wires coming out the back of the bulb through the wire clip, and then connected everything up. I found it was easier to fit that way.

Then just checked the allingment on the wall. Made the adjustments that had to be made.


Active Member
right I have had to leave it as it is pissing down, NOT in a good mood now! The big metal clip that keeps the light cover on has come off randomly no way I can get that back on as the battery is in the way and my hands are destroyed with the lack of space in the engine bay trying to secure the ballasts!! One of the ballasts makes a whining noise which is very worrying!
Also the fuse holder from the battery harness has a big metal bit coming off it is this meant to be connected to something??


The Gentlemans Express
Jan 1, 2006
Aimez, un-clip and hinge down the bulb holder clip

Then pass the HID bulb through the middle of the bulb clip whilst it is hinged down

Then locate the HID bulb into the socket (it only fits in 1 position cos of the little peg thingy)

Then hinge the bulb holder up (with the wire still going through it) and clip in in place

As for fixing the ballasts, yes it will be tight on a TDI

Also the ballasts will hum untill the bulb is up to temp and the correct colour


Active Member
hmmm they still won't stay in place this is really annoying me now I can't drive with them like this. The bulb is meant to clip in place in the headlamp is it? It just spins and won't secure in. The bulb holder clip doesn't really do anything TBH it is too wide for the bulb without the black plastic bit that it there with the standard bulbs. I am at a loss with the blooody things now. Currently trying to fins a 10mm nut to secure the negetive wire to the battery negetive as the one on the car won't budge!


The Gentlemans Express
Jan 1, 2006
I didn't think the bulb holder had anything to do with the black plastic bit :shrug:

your original bulbs should be held in place with the metal bulb holder clip (even without any electrical conections)


Active Member
the original bulb is connected to a black plastic connector with wires, what powers it, but with the HIDs you don't plug the bulb into this plastic connector you plug the spade connectors into here instead. The metal clip used to go over this plastic connector, the HID bulbs goes straight in. I should have taken a pic!
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The Gentlemans Express
Jan 1, 2006
a pic would help

but as said your standard bulds should not be held in with anythin other than the metal bulb holder clip against the back of the bulb flange, the black plastic electrical connector has nothing to do with holding the bulb in


The Gentlemans Express
Jan 1, 2006
grandmother and sucking eggs here but.......

the bulb flange round and has a flat bit with a square notch, this notch goes into a recess inside the headlamp so as to seat the bulb correctly

the bulb will not seat correctly unless the square notch is in the recess in the headlamp

any help?

you say the bulb spins round, well there should be one very small point where the notch and recess line up


Active Member

This is the bit I'm on about this is where the standard bulb was plugged into therfor the wire clip sat on top of it, now it has the spade connectors from the HIDs plugged in. This now doesn't go anywhere near the wire clip as it would as standard beacuse only the spade connectors come from it the bulb just goes in on it own.



The Gentlemans Express
Jan 1, 2006

This is the bit I'm on about this is where the standard bulb was plugged into therfor the wire clip sat on top of it, now it has the spade connectors from the HIDs plugged in. This now doesn't go anywhere near the wire clip as it would as standard beacuse only the spade connectors come from it the bulb just goes in on it own.

that is correct yes and as said the metal spring bulb holder clip has nothing to do with this black plastic bit, you can secrue the bulb with or without this electrical connection in place


as you can see the HID bulb has a notch in the flange same as the standard bulb and must have this located corectly or the buld holder clip will not reach

just a thought as it looks like your HID bilb body is plastic (well it looks like black plastic), has it got any rough enges or burs that are stipping it locating the notch in the recess ?

try a little sandpaper

also have a go at re-fitting the standard bulbs ( without any electrical connection (black plastic bit)as this will help you get your head around how to locate them

the HID bulb has a square notch as you can see
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The Gentlemans Express
Jan 1, 2006

the green represents the bulb holder as you can see it presses from the rear onto the rear of the flange

just line up the notch and the recess inside the headlight and close the bulb holder clip

the bit you are holding in your thunb/finger goes through the bulb holder otherwise the holder will not close


Active Member

Can anyone confirm if I have fitted the rest correctly as well please? From the pics above, the ballast on the left has a neg wire from it. I have bolted this the the car. From the ballast on the right neg wire bolted to neg terminal on battery and positive wire coming from fuse holder on the right in the pic bolted to positive terminal on battery. Tho other wire coming from the ballast on the right does nothing, is this correct??
Am I meant to do something with the fuse holder thing itself, it has metal bit that looks like it should be screwed down maybe??

As fot the bulbs!
well I will have to try again tommorow at work as its too dark now and I've had enough! I may see if I can get someone else to try as I just keep failing. Don't know why as the bulbs I am replacing are halfords brilliance ones I changed them ages ago with no problems. you can see how the edges are worn with me spinning them in the headlamp and them not fitting!


Grumpier by the day!
Apr 30, 2006
Milton Keynes
Hmm unless you've got the wrong bulb type - when it all clips together the bulb should actually sit flush in the socket. It will only fit one way too. Here's some pics of what i had to do to my old HRV to get the bulbs to locate in the holder.







Active Member
May 5, 2005
When I fitted mines was fairly simple... and I don't have big hands.

1. Open bonnet, pull off the light covers.
2. Pull of electric connections, remove bulbs.
3. Remove metal clips.
4. Put in new bulbs, and put the clips on over the bulb.
5. Secure ballasts in place, see my photos for examples. (Then test)
6. Connect wires and secure with cable ties.

Job done, I cut holes in my light covers beforehand.

Stage four is maybe a little tricky getting the clip on a the battery side, but is possible with good light and if you don't rush it.

I doubt there is any problem with the plastic casing the bulb is attached to, first I've heard of it if it is. My tip is to look into the lens as you put the bulb in to make sure it sits ok ... it'll then sit in place easily - all you need to do is apply some pressure so it doesen't move out of place.
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Oct 15, 2005
Depending on the make of HID kit the bulbs themselves may be too long to fit inside the headlamps.The first set I had were like this.they were too long and the bulb shroud inside the lamp stopped them going in far enough to fit the clip which holds them in place.I sent them back for a refund and got a set from
which fitted perfectly in about a half hour.
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