Lost my Key!!!

Jun 14, 2005
Lost my Key!!! Flip key advice please

Hi all,

I've managed to loose the key to my Ibiza (mk2) in between were I parked and the house (50m).

I'am seriously worried that someone has found it, knows which car its for and is waiting for the right moment to nick it!!!!

Am I right in assuming that even if I get a new key cut and coded, the old one will always be able to unlock the car manually!!??

I've found a new seimens 433.92 flip key (7m3 959 753f) for £32 + blade,cutting and coding - does that sound like a good price?

How much would I expect to pay for the coding/programming (specifically the immobiliser) from and independent or SEAT dealer?


Last edited:
Nov 27, 2006
Until you find the key you could get a doorlock, ignition barrel and key (or complete lockset) from a breakers/eBay

...if the key turns up, just get a new blade cut for your old key or swap everything back

Dealer price for coding was around £45 last time I checked (they can't cut the blade for you though, you'd have to get Timpsons do that)
Jun 14, 2005
Please can someone confirm that the seimens 433.92 flip key (7m3 959 753f) is the same frequency as the original Mk2 Ibiza key (99)? - I might bite the bullet and buy it!

Also still trying to confirm if the old key will unlock the car manually.


Nov 27, 2006
I'm afraid I don't know enough about them to confirm whether the frequency is right for your Ibiza....

but if you think about it logically, of course someone will be able to unlock the car manually - if you get a replacement (different) lock barrel for the door ... and boot ?? then at least it will be secure whilst it's parked up

if you go a step further, and get the new key coded to your car, then even if whoever finds your key goes to the length of breaking in, then

i. the 'old' key wouldn't fit the ignition
ii. it wouldn't start the car because your dealer would wipe the old code *

* would also mean any spare keys you have would need a blade cut and re-coding at the same time
Jun 14, 2005
I'm afraid I don't know enough about them to confirm whether the frequency is right for your Ibiza....

but if you think about it logically, of course someone will be able to unlock the car manually - if you get a replacement (different) lock barrel for the door ... and boot ?? then at least it will be secure whilst it's parked up

if you go a step further, and get the new key coded to your car, then even if whoever finds your key goes to the length of breaking in, then

i. the 'old' key wouldn't fit the ignition
ii. it wouldn't start the car because your dealer would wipe the old code *

* would also mean any spare keys you have would need a blade cut and re-coding at the same time

Thanks for the reply!

2x Door lock barrels
1x Boot lock barrel
1x Ignition barrel
1x spare key
1x remote key
Charge for recoding above keys to immobiliser

Obviously this would restore the car to pre key loss security, but at what cost!? How much would the above cost secondhand?

The other option is just replace the 1 key and risk the consequences of someone using the lost one!
Jun 14, 2005
Good news! - found the key!!

Thank feck that nightmares over! - Don't ask where it was!

Still might get a flip key though and in answer to my own question the frequency is 433.92 hz


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