Key replacement lost fob EXEO based Sherborne

May 13, 2024
Exeo Lost Fob
I have a non central locking flat key that was cut but it opens the doors and turns in the ignition but doesn’t start the car.
I have just been quoted £720 by SEAT in Poole (Snows) for a new key.
does anyone know of a key cutter - mobile who would be able to re program a key for me?

I saw on another thread that an Audi A4 key can be programmed is this right? What do I need to do to make that happen? Thanks

I have found a breakers yard with an eXEO key for £45 that I can have sent here … I need someone to cut or use my flat key or reprogram a fob so I can hold the fob next to the key which is in the lock perhaps?
Many thanks
May 2, 2023
Recently lost my key fob for cupra formentor, can't find any info about cost of replacing this online. Pretty stressed at the thought of £700 so I'm hoping that it turns up somewhere I haven't looked..... An ebay seller who selling second hand fobs online states that an auto electrician/key cutter can reprogramme a previously used 3 button key fob so I phoned several, they insist that they have to purchase a blank from SEAT before they can reprogramme it which brings the price up perilously close the dealer prices!!! Ridiculous that it should cost so much to replace, I'm gutted. If anyone can help please get in touch. Thanks.
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