Do I just go ahead and change the Coil packs?


Active Member
Nov 26, 2007
South Wales
Been having a little misfire problem with my 2001 Cupra. Hubby noticed a bit of a stumble not long after buying it, but no probs since and using it regularly. But I used it couple of days ago (at the mo I dont go out daily) and as I was travelling up the by-passes coming home, overtook someone and when I slowed down for traffic lights it started to misfire. Continued to do it for 2mins up the road till I got home so let the car run as I usually do, and it was misfiring pretty bad, almost stalling but not quite.

Just got a price off GSF for the 4 coil packs at £12 each, which is a good bit cheaper than the main dealer. Would you say go ahead and change the 4 as its most likely the problem (and change the spark plugs at the same time?), or are there other checks you would do first? I can get it on Diagnostics next week at my local VAG independent garage, but dont want to go spending out on that if its not likely to pick anything else up. When I spoke to the guy there just now first thing he said was Coil packs.
If its a simple enough job then my hubby can change them himself, otherwise he'll know someone who can, rather than paying crazy prices at a garage.

I'll be using it again this afternoon for around a 20min journey each way, so i'll see what its doing today.

If you could let me know what you think would be much appreciated, to hopfully save me some time and money. Thanks!


Active Member
Apr 10, 2007
at £12 each they arent going to break the bank so its worth trying them if you can't live with it for another week.

you would be better off finding out which cylinder is mis firing first so that you can swap the coil packs over to verify its the coil rather than the spark plug


Active Member
Nov 26, 2007
South Wales
at £12 each they arent going to break the bank so its worth trying them if you can't live with it for another week.

you would be better off finding out which cylinder is mis firing first so that you can swap the coil packs over to verify its the coil rather than the spark plug

Yeh it is a good price, but coming up to Xmas dont want to pay out for them if its not going to fix the problem (or most likely to). Its probably not that bad that I couldnt wait till next week for it to go on diagnostics, just not sure whether its worth paying for. As for the price on the coils, I did mess around and tell the guy I wanted discount, cos he had to appologise for all the swearing in the background, not that I cared, but it must have worked lol. Guess you can get away with these things when your a bird pmsl.

When you say about swapping over the coil packs to verify it, is that something simple enough I could get hubby to do? If so i'll be sending him back outside to give it a try when it gest home from work lol.
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Active Member
Aug 11, 2007
Yeh it is a good price, but coming up to Xmas dont want to pay out for them if its not going to fix the problem (or most likely to). Its probably not that bad that I couldnt wait till next week for it to go on diagnostics, just not sure whether its worth paying for. As for the price on the coils, I did mess around and tell the guy I wanted discount, cos he had to appologise for all the swearing in the background, not that I cared, but it must have worked lol. Guess you can get away with these things when your a bird pmsl.

When you say about swapping over the coil packs to verify it, is that something simple enough I could get hubby to do? If so i'll be sending him back outside to give it a try when it gest home from work lol.

did this sort it out as mines doing a simeler thing sounding like a tracktor and no power just rattle but one of my coils blow of one of the spark plugs push it down and its fine press the gas an up it comes changed the spark plugs and its not blowing of now but engine management like still on and still missing and sound like the gear box is rattleing


Your car is a 2001 so if the coil pack's haven't already been changed and your planning on keeping it for a few more years just change all 4, it will save you the hassle (and expense) of diagnosing each coil as they go one by one. One of mine went a few weeks ago, symptoms matched exactly what yours is doing and mine is a 53 Cupra R at 40,000 miles. Makes sense to do the plugs at the same time.

As for doing the job it was fairly straight forward, not sure if the Cupra is the same as the "r" but it only took me around 1hour to do including the plugs, so even an independant garage shouldn't charge a lot for the work. If you decide to do it yourselves i'm sure there is a guide on how to do it on here somewhere!


Active Member
Nov 26, 2007
South Wales
Thanks for your replies. Yup, defo planning on keeping it for the forseable future cos I really love it. Only thing id consider changing it for if we ever have the funds is an R, but for now im more than happy with having this to replace my trusty Golf GTi which I now have to sell :( unfortunately a 7mth old and lowered 3dr dont go together too well, the Leon helps my back if nothing else plus i've got a nice car to boot.

While out this afternoon it didnt cough or splutter once. I did take it easy on my way out, but coming home up the by-passes you always get the idiot in rush hour who isnt in any hurry to get home, so I had to stick my foot down a bit to leave them in the distance and out of my way. Was half expeciting it to start again after that, especially when I had to slow for the traffic lights again, but nothing. Took it out again little while ago for a short spin, and it was fine again.

I'll have a look for that guide and show hubby in the direction of it (am I making him sound like my bitch? lol, im lucky he's so handy). If he can do it we'll be happy to save the extra cash.

After today not sure whether to leave it for now just to see how it goes, then fingers crossed it'll last over Xmas till we have a bit more cash. But if it continues regularly or gets worse than i'll have to raid the bank and get all 4 before. If not for the time of year I wouldnt think twice about getting it done straight away, why do cars always play up at these times?
Do you recon thats an ok plan?


Active Member
Aug 11, 2007
Your car is a 2001 so if the coil pack's haven't already been changed and your planning on keeping it for a few more years just change all 4, it will save you the hassle (and expense) of diagnosing each coil as they go one by one. One of mine went a few weeks ago, symptoms matched exactly what yours is doing and mine is a 53 Cupra R at 40,000 miles. Makes sense to do the plugs at the same time.

As for doing the job it was fairly straight forward, not sure if the Cupra is the same as the "r" but it only took me around 1hour to do including the plugs, so even an independant garage shouldn't charge a lot for the work. If you decide to do it yourselves i'm sure there is a guide on how to do it on here somewhere!

was there any sure way of tellin it was your coil pack ie (burnt out look) because bin look nice an shinny an even on tick over mine sounds ruff an missis but engine management dont come on until you start driving could it be the MAF instead as dont want to buy parts without it tested but would if there was any other signs its deffent that. i do have cold air kit on so may of sucked some **** inside but im only leaning bout cars so know some things but not much


was there any sure way of tellin it was your coil pack ie (burnt out look) because bin look nice an shinny an even on tick over mine sounds ruff an missis but engine management dont come on until you start driving could it be the MAF instead as dont want to buy parts without it tested but would if there was any other signs its deffent that. i do have cold air kit on so may of sucked some **** inside but im only leaning bout cars so know some things but not much

I have a mate who has vag-com so he checked it for me and it was coil 3 that had failed - but as ive done 40,000 miles and the car is 4 years old now i just did all 4 that way its hopefully not an issue again for a couple of years. As for the look of the coil - the failed one looked the same as all the others unfortunately. (at least on mine it did)

Only way to tell for sure is to vag-com it. I don't know much about the maf sensor problem we can get with this engine, i tend to learn about things as they fail!


Active Member
Nov 26, 2007
South Wales
Does it get worse in the rain/wet?

I cant bloody remember what the weather was doing the day it mucked about this week, I think it was dry but not sure. The two other days i've used it this week were definately dry, and it didnt mess about at all. I'll be using it today and tomorrow and its dry here at the moment, so i'll see if anything happens.

Shall keep the wet weather thing in mind, and keep an eye for anything happening. What would it mean if it only does it in the wet?


Active Member
Aug 11, 2007
it was my coils can you get them cheap any where or as its 2001 wasnt there a recall or sumit or is that just for cars with warrenty


Active Member
Nov 26, 2007
South Wales
Havent a clue about the re-calls thing. Anyone know??

As for the price, everyone should be able to get them from GSF (they have a website if you dont have one local) for around £12 each. Thats a pretty good price.

Car didnt play up at all today again, so the problem cant be too bad yet. Gonna leave changing the coils for the min, then get them hopfully after Xmas if it holds out.

Stan 24v

Active Member
Apr 7, 2007
If its worse in the wet then it more than likely is a coil pack. The plastic insulation breaks down and when the water gets in it causes sparking, and makes it run rough.

You can also test tis by running the engine and using a spry gun of water to spray a fine mist over the coils. You need to do it in complete dark, and if there is a breakdown you may see some really small sparks. if you do do that thogh make sure its a "fine" mist spray!


Active Member
Aug 11, 2007
Havent a clue about the re-calls thing. Anyone know??

As for the price, everyone should be able to get them from GSF (they have a website if you dont have one local) for around £12 each. Thats a pretty good price.

Car didnt play up at all today again, so the problem cant be too bad yet. Gonna leave changing the coils for the min, then get them hopfully after Xmas if it holds out.

does any one have a GSF part code for coil packs as nothing comming up on search


Active Member
Nov 26, 2007
South Wales
Did it again today when on our way out while car was warming up, and its been dry for days so not the wet thats causing it. Came off by-pass onto a roundabout in 2nd as didnt quite come to a stop and the car almost died which isnt too good when you have a baby in the back, was worried some prat may hit us. Then continued to do it for a while down the by-passes, not really bad but defo stumbly, but seemed fine getting on the M4 and for the rest of the short journey. Was fine when I used it a couple of hours later and for rest of the day though.

Hubby is going to take it into work with him tomorrow and get the coils delivered from GSF to his workplace, then change them in the afternoon. Fingers crossed it'll solve the problem, really hope so! Thats 50quid we could do without spending before Xmas, but if I want to use the car then it has to be done. Im not happy about the thought of it loosing power in situations where we could have an accident so id rather get it done.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2007
South Wales
Just my luck! Thought id got a good price from GSF, but when hubby phoned to arrange delivery today they dont actually sell them, cant even order them. The wally I spoke to on Friday got the engine number back to front and quoted on something else.

So he's phoning the diagnostics guy to see if he can get it in this afternoon and find out which coil is giving the problem. Then as that guy has a couple in stock (for £25 +VAT) from main dealer he can fit it too. As its going to cost more than expected we'll just get the one done for now, then order the other 3 from elsewhere after xmas and fit them, fingers crossed we wont have a problem with the coils again after that.

What a nightmare!

Stan 24v

Active Member
Apr 7, 2007
Hayley, are you in a massive rush for them? Im back in Swansea 27/28 and I know a place near me who may do them cheaper.
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