Get a torq screw to match all the dash screws and go around all the dash components and loosen them... then jiggle each piece of the lower dash, (drivers, centre, glovebox), then starting with the drivers side tighten all the driver lower dash, slighty pushing the dash away from the car (e.g. towards the door out of the car) then do the same to the passanger (glovebox) again pushing away from the centre console, then finally tighten the centre console piece.. dont do them very tight, just hand tight to pinch the panel to the metal bracket behind it...
I do this to mine every 6 months, stops all the dash noises, TDI are prone i found out, due to the TDI vibrations..
Next job, is to search and destroy the boot rattle...
My reaason of sourcing them, i have a car that is sound deadened twice all though the car including roof and floor, and rattles sound louder when there isnt much road noise coming thou....