Stacked my car


If you can call it that. Basically coming round a roundabout from a set of lights, it has just begun to rain. Was coming down the round about doing 25mph and as I went to turn in the car didnt play along and carried on straight ahead. At first I remained calm about it and pressed on the brakes a little expecting the car to regain its grip, yet for some reason that didnt happen and the car kept sliding down the road (it was slightly sloped downhill). At that point I was really giving the brakes some pumping but my abs or anything didnt kick in, the brakes were either locked of faulty.

Anyway in the end I slid into the outside kerb at about 20mph and I have cracked clean my left front wishbone! Nice :(

Probably a bit more damage that I cant see/tell off but the snapped wishbone is the only major damage along with a fooked left front alloy.

In hindsight I should have just stepped on the gas and gave it some whelly hoping the fronts would have caught some grip.

Annoyed really, happened when you never expect it.

So anyone got any guesses at how much this is gonna cost me to get fixed?
Biggest cost would be labour as the engine would have to come out?


you okay thou mustve been scary?
Thought you'd totally stacked the car when i read the first bit sounds like it could be worse though.

What scared me the most was that there was a light pole by the kerb and the car was heading straight for it, and my GF was with me in the passenger seat and if we would have hit it she would have felt the full force. Luckily though as I was going slow the car never had the momentum to mounted the curb.

Yeah the light pole scared me, otherwise Im not all to fussed really and will put it down to experience.

Just anxious to see how much it will cost me now to get my car back on the road.


The Gentlemans Express
Jan 1, 2006
first rain for a while was it? what you did was understeer on a slippery road

full lock, full brakes and it still wouldn't stop eh ?

your tyres are not designed to grip sideways so when understeering your brakes don't do a lot

sorry to hear about this but when it's the forst rain after a long dry spell the roads are like an ice rink with all the grease and shite not being washed away

insurance job or private ???:think:


first rain for a while was it? what you did was understeer on a slippery road

full lock, full brakes and it still wouldn't stop eh ?

your tyres are not designed to grip sideways so when understeering your brakes don't do a lot

sorry to hear about this but when it's the forst rain after a long dry spell the roads are like an ice rink with all the grease and shite not being washed away

insurance job or private ???:think:

Yep exactly what my dad said, first rain in a while makes road like a ice rink.

Its deffo gonna be a private job as long as costs stay under 2 grand!

Thinking of getting a 2nd job to help pay for it if it comes to it :lol:


any airbag activity?

Nope, luckily speed/impact was nowhere near hard enough to set them off. Car looks fine apart from the drooping left front side where the wishbone is broken. Will get some pics up of it tomorrow.


Active Member
Jan 22, 2007
I did this too. It was expensive. Although was maybe faster. Want a full list?


Active Member
Jan 22, 2007
From Stealers them selves.

Replaced front brakes (pad and disc)
wheel trim and housing
engine bed
control arm
one wheel
rubber mounting
drive shaft
wheel hub

all that plus 4 new tryes sevice mot and some other wear and tear stuff

But that was 30mph+ crash
and seats £58 an hour mechanics.

So yours will be better.

T. Spark

Yes, id imagine you wont need front brakes

Will need new alloy (pricey)

Engine bed? Erm duno.

Control arm, more than likely

And the rest of the list is a pretty much yes.

Get it done at a garage you trust, and it should cost 1k give or take.

Main thing is you are both ok, and the car can be fixed. Hope its not too costly for you matey


From Stealers them selves.

Replaced front brakes (pad and disc)
wheel trim and housing
engine bed
control arm
one wheel
rubber mounting
drive shaft
wheel hub

all that plus 4 new tryes sevice mot and some other wear and tear stuff

But that was 30mph+ crash
and seats £58 an hour mechanics.

So yours will be better.


Will probably require most of the things you had on your list, minus drive shaft, wheel trim and housing and engine bed! Not sure on the brakes!

How was the car to drive afterwards? Good as new?


Yes, id imagine you wont need front brakes

Will need new alloy (pricey)

Engine bed? Erm duno.

Control arm, more than likely

And the rest of the list is a pretty much yes.

Get it done at a garage you trust, and it should cost 1k give or take.

Main thing is you are both ok, and the car can be fixed. Hope its not too costly for you matey

Yeah thats the main thing that everyones OK. GF was pretty shook up about it!

Gonna have a ring around tomorrow to a couple garages, hope its not much over the 1 grand figure as then with a little help I should be back on the roads in a shortwhile.


Nov 27, 2005
seems to be a common thing these days.

i have done this twice. first time wrote off the car, but was at about 40mph, maybe more, no idea really. but that bent the chassis. drive shaft, rack end, sheared off the wheel, tore the suspension out on passenger side, depolyed passenger side air bag, the list is really quiet endless. hey quoted 7.5k to repair.

then on a similar thing, but at 30pmh, fiddling with satnav i managed to mis judge a road and smack a curb, bent the wish bone and track rod end. this cost me £60 in parts and a pint to a mate of mine who helped me fix it.

most recent cost more.
had just stated raining, but had issues with car all day, had just picked it up from stealers and it was misbehaving. somethign wasnt right. regardless. started raining, went round left hander, i turned left, car carried on going straight on. hit a curb at about 40, side of car lifted up, underside rode along an armco, car back onground and then across the road on to a bank. amazingly no panel damage. but needed, bumper, drive shaft, wish bones, rack ends, intercooler, raidatior, wheel liners, rear beam and god knows what else, but i was sent away with a looong shopping list. this cost me just over 3K cash to fix. £800 was cash labour the rest was parts. and thats with most of the parts coming from breakers.

id say, dependong o how truthful you were about your speed, 35mph+ and your are looking at alot. sub that you can probally get away with wish bones and rack ends. as they are designed to just crumple to take the impact. suspension could do with being taken off or released and checked, just to make sure its all straight and not leaking.

in summary.. dont get in a car with me.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2006
hi mate my mate crashed my car at around 10 to 15mph on black ice on a new road layout in a housing scheme hit a high kerb and hit a railing didnt feel like much to be honest. this was the damage!

hope u get it sorted!


Still hanging around
Oct 16, 2002
At least you won't have to fork out for new airbags (which would mean either new dash or seat depending which way it hit) and a new airbag controller.
That's probably saved you a good few hundred quid !


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
Oh dear..........sorry to hear about the accident. Guess you were just going too fast for the conditions.
As described above it sounds like very slippy roads after a while being dry. Turn in and car understeers as it loses grip. Brakes won't do anything if the tyres are sliding - in any conditions.
Best thing to do it to lift off the throttle and see if the front tyres regain some grip, but this can sometimes cause lift-off oversteer so it's best not to lift off completely. In some situations, perhaps turning in slightly more can also help.

Your suggestion in hindsight of stepping on the gas would probably have been the worst thing you could have done, as the front would have kept ploughing on in the same direction and the tyres would have had no chance of regaining grip. (If it had been the rear that had slid, then giving it some welly may have helped.)

Driving home yesterday I saw a bloke who had done exactly the same thing off a roundabout in an XR2i, so I guess it catches a few people out. He was half in a ditch through some bushes and was being talked to sternly by the police.

I was looking on eBay a couple of days ago and saw an Ibiza being broken for spares. Might be worth seeing if it is still there and whether there are any parts you can salvage from it? Hope it doesn't get too pricey.


Thing is I wasnt on the accelerator as I was turning in!

Thought about it somemore and think that maybe if I would have dropped her down into first teh engine migt have helped slow the car.

Raining again down mine so no pics at the moment. Once it stops I will get on my arse and take some pics. Doesnt look all that bad, but im preet sure it will cost over a grand!

Hopefully I can get my car into a repair shop in a week or two as I already had some money set aside for a new soundsystem. If its over 1500 im gonna have to wait a month or so.

Atleast its a sort of consolation that this hasnt happened to only me!

Two other cars lost it along the same roundabout whilst I was there also, but instead of understeering their backend swung them round. Lucky for one of the guys I was there to slow/warn oncoming traffic as otherwise there would have been a major incident.

The roundabout was just by a bus garage and the AA man reckoned that all the oil and other grease from the buses coming out of the depot freshly filled up with fuel etc could have spilled some on the roads making conditions worse.

The police were great and I commend them. Met two very friendly and symphetic police officers, which is a bit of a first for me.
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