Left unhappy and out of pocket (remap)

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Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
To be honest, sounds like the car may have the fault rather than the code.

My car was remapped in March 2006. With the modifications in place, Stars rolling road measured just shy of 250bhp and 250ft/lbs.

Since that date, the car has gone to just under 220bhp and 220ft/lbs. The code will not have changed in one year, but the car is a year older, has 15,000 more miles on the clock, and no doubt accumulated some wear and developed one or more faults or just become slightly less efficient. I will need to make an effort, and no doubt spend money to find why this has happened.

Having said all that, it is easy for one to blame another with regard to both the buyer and the seller. The buyer should have made sure he could get his money back if he had concerns or if he had problems, but the seller IMO should be looking to give a little back to maintain a happy customer and reasonable rep. I would however argue about a full refund mind as you would not get a refund for a pair of shoes the rub your heels, only if the sole fell off or similar. This to me is what has happened here. The map has gone on and the car has developed a fault as a result, probably a mechanical one down to a stock part failing under uprated conditions.

A bit of tit for tat really.


Ding Ding Round 2!!!
Nov 12, 2006
But surely threads like this are very important. They let us know the bad as well as the good.

yes, and they can also damage someones reputation based purely on a sort of "chinese whispers". Only pete and dodson know the full story, and other people throwing in their theories and opions dont help, no matter how innocent they are.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2006
I had a problem a while back with a Revo dealer and the trial code. It kept bringing my fault light on. I let the dealer know asap and went back 4-5 times until the problem was sorted with some help from Revo themselves.

At the end of the day you will need to work with them to resolve the issues. In my case it was just a certain ecu batch that the Revo trial code had issues with however due to my co-operation and the messing about I got a fantastic deal on the full code. I was well chuffed then.


Yes but this thread was seemingly started to slag off a company rather than work with them to sort the issue. That doesn't help anyone.

well there are two sides to every coin Pete

for example, what would happen if you went to a stereo shop, to have a stereo and a load of speakers installed

you come back to pick up the car, half the speakers have only been installed and the stereo is not working properly

you would take it back to get it sorted right?....but are you saying you would not post these views on the forum, not slating the company of course, but pointing out that you had issues with that supplier?


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
well there are two sides to every coin Pete

for example, what would happen if you went to a stereo shop, to have a stereo and a load of speakers installed

you come back to pick up the car, half the speakers have only been installed and the stereo is not working properly

you would take it back to get it sorted right?....but are you saying you would not post these views on the forum, not slating the company of course, but pointing out that you had issues with that supplier?

should always hear both side of the view dont matter if they good or bad! Every has problems fair enough, this later on could resolved, you cant always give people compliments of how good they done, but issue they have come across and what the engineer has done to make the customer happy.


Active Member
May 14, 2005
UK, Staffordshire
Well said, I don't see why people feel the need to post threads like these until they have taken ALL the actions they could with the company they feel they have to bring down on a public forum. The exact same thing happened in thread in the TDI section where one person who had a "bad" experience with a tuning company felt the need to slate the company. Have full tests been run on the car with VAGCOM, surley someone on here would be able to figure out the problem with the car from the logs, or give the tuner more time to look into it?

I have to also agree from my own experience when I bought a Leon Cupra under 2 years ago and had it chipped by an unknown company. I posted on here before I allowed them the chance to deal with the problem properly and said a few things that did not help. This led to an obviously unhappy phone call the next day at work from the chipping company and things just went downhill from then on with them and the people who sold me the car.

In the end I had to part company with the car as it just would not work for more than 6 months and it was costing me a load of money. By then I'd lost all confidence in the car and the people who'd sold it me and also with the chipping company. It's something I will not do again in the future as it probably caused all the problems I had between myself and them.


Not until I'd given the shop adequate oportunity to sort the problem no...

then that is of course your choice

if i had issues i would express them on here, as it is an open forum, i STATE however i would not slag them off of course if they fixed the issue and went out of their way to sort the problem out.....but that does not mean i cannot air my views and still state the "initial" problems i had with them

if you didn't, then other people may not be aware of the potential problems and if i am modifying my car and had issues with a part/supplier why shouldn't i air them on here, regardless if it was fixed or not

or am i missing the point of this forum - free and open discussion as long as it falls within the forum rules


Back from the dead...
Sep 27, 2006
I think the point is there is a right and a wrong way to approach situations like this.

If you have a problem, by all means mention it. That happens all the time here... people have a problem with a new product or service, they mention it, it gets discussed, they feed back updates or the resolution when it's all done. No problem.

But what should, IMO, be avoided is coming here all guns blazing shouting about how badly you have been treated when the situation is not resolved. If Dodson had came onto the forum and discussed the fact that his car is not running well after his BAS remap, I'm sure no offence would have been taken by anybody. But it's the manner in which it was posted that rubs people up the wrong way.

Basically, healthy discussion is fine, shouting and screaming without giving all the facts is not.


I think the point is there is a right and a wrong way to approach situations like this.

If you have a problem, by all means mention it. That happens all the time here... people have a problem with a new product or service, they mention it, it gets discussed, they feed back updates or the resolution when it's all done. No problem.

But what should, IMO, be avoided is coming here all guns blazing shouting about how badly you have been treated when the situation is not resolved. If Dodson had came onto the forum and discussed the fact that his car is not running well after his BAS remap, I'm sure no offence would have been taken by anybody. But it's the manner in which it was posted that rubs people up the wrong way.

Basically, healthy discussion is fine, shouting and screaming without giving all the facts is not.

completely agree:)
Oct 12, 2005
This is the second post about having problems with remaps from different companies. This is no place for threads like this as people say It can damage the rep of companies that have worked extremly hard to make there company a success. BAS are an excellent company with many great reviews (www.vagcars.co.uk). I am not taking sides but I am sick of there kinds of threads. IMO the admin guys should delete this thread!


This is the second post about having problems with remaps from different companies. This is no place for threads like this as people say It can damage the rep of companies that have worked extremly hard to make there company a success. BAS are an excellent company with many great reviews (www.vagcars.co.uk). I am not taking sides but I am sick of there kinds of threads. IMO the admin guys should delete this thread!

read the thread over again......read my views and robm's...i think they sum up this thread very well

as stated, this is an open forum, open discussion and people are "entitled" to their views and opinions as long as it falls within the forum rules and regulations

this thread does not qualify for deletion at all


Forget voting jay it wont affect my answer and i wont be influenced by a forum either.

And infact i think that this is totaly the wrong place to sort any problems out between business and customer.

For the record i have offerd to look at the problem if there is one.
And have done so already altering untill HE was 100% happy 2 weeks agao.

IF the car still had problems on the way home after the second looking at why did it take 2 weeks to make contact to say so !!

I have offerd again to look at the car if it still has problems,

But i refuse to give a refund on a problem that took 2 weeks to be reported if it hapend within 30 minutes of leaving my garage.


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
Forget voting jay it wont affect my answer and i wont be influenced by a forum either.

And infact i think that this is totaly the wrong place to sort any problems out between business and customer.

For the record i have offerd to look at the problem if there is one.
And have done so already altering untill HE was 100% happy 2 weeks agao.

IF the car still had problems on the way home after the second looking at why did it take 2 weeks to make contact to say so !!

I have offerd again to look at the car if it still has problems,

But i refuse to give a refund on a problem that took 2 weeks to be reported if it hapend within 30 minutes of leaving my garage.

Oh if it took him 2weeks 2report, thats a differnt story! this shows you willing to help out and get it fixed! :clap:

hope you two get it sorted ! :rolleyes:
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