string of problems...please help!!!!!!

blak ice

Active Member
Oct 24, 2006
I recently bought a ibiza. cool/s.

it has a few eletrical problems:cry: :

1. the dash lights are always on, even when the headlights are not.

2. the epc light comes on

3. the heat and ac comes on automatically sometimes when you start the car and the in between heat setting do not work. either lo or hi works.

4. the external temp. is wrong.

last but no means least.......

5. the gas pedal is a bit dodgy, its like it takes long for it to gas up and cuts out at times.

p.s it doesnt never start with out gas from cold.

please help.........i sold my rover 200 to get away from problems!!!!!!!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


My Fast says shut up!
Dec 9, 2004
Newport, South Wales
yes i have a laptop.

what is a vagcom?

and how can that help me?

diagnostic tool, u get a cable, download the software, hook your laptop up to your car and scan the problems. should tell you whats wrong with your car then.

the epc light for example will have a fault code, probably something to do with your brake or clutch pedals

the external temp is probably the sensor in the wing mirror shot

certain dash lights coming on could be a short or possibley a dodgy relay

and the ac coming on it set to demist the window? cos thats normal if so

blak ice

Active Member
Oct 24, 2006
diagnostic tool, u get a cable, download the software, hook your laptop up to your car and scan the problems. should tell you whats wrong with your car then.

the epc light for example will have a fault code, probably something to do with your brake or clutch pedals

the external temp is probably the sensor in the wing mirror shot

certain dash lights coming on could be a short or possibley a dodgy relay

and the ac coming on it set to demist the window? cos thats normal if so

ok so how much is all of this equiptment?

and how easy will it be to fix? im gonna get my dad to do the fixing.

all the dash lights are always on , including the radio light.

nick s

256bhp & 282lbs/ft
Dec 9, 2005
yea was just gonna say, the dash and the computer/instrument panel are always lit up regardless of wether or not your lights are on. i sometimes start driving at night without putting my lights on cus of this! lol looks like there already on from inside.

also, when i put my heaters up on my windsacreen AC comes on automatically, i think that's normal

blak ice

Active Member
Oct 24, 2006
so how much and how easy is all this to do?

also, can you add an amp and sub to a seat headunit?


Full Member
Apr 3, 2006
Fleet, Hants
Can be yes, there are pre outs on the back, mirror is pretty easy to do.

Also the heater may come on if it was left on when you got out of the car, not sure about none of the temp setting working in between high and low tho.

May all be linked to an issue with the temperature sensor??


Rollin' on 20s
Jan 3, 2005
I recently bought a ibiza. cool/s.

it has a few eletrical problems:cry: :

1. the dash lights are always on, even when the headlights are not.

2. the epc light comes on

3. the heat and ac comes on automatically sometimes when you start the car and the in between heat setting do not work. either lo or hi works.

4. the external temp. is wrong.

last but no means least.......

5. the gas pedal is a bit dodgy, its like it takes long for it to gas up and cuts out at times.

p.s it doesnt never start with out gas from cold.

please help.........i sold my rover 200 to get away from problems!!!!!!!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


I feel for you, these cars DO have their problems, but they can be solved....!

1. As said Dash light are on with the key not your sidelights
2. Vagcom will help diagnose any problems... where are you based? Someone local may be able to help?
3. My heater etc usually returns to whatever I had it on when I turned the car off. As for the heat settings in between, I am unsure.
4. External temp sensor is located in passenger door mirror,I took mine to the dealer to do. It can be doen DIY though I believe
5. What do you mean 'gas up'?
6. Also cold starts could be condenstaion in the fuel tank I had this on my saxo, I bought some petrol tank treatment (I will see if I can find similar on the WEB) and it sorted out my cold starts. This could also be linked to your start up issues, as in the choke is sucking through condensation ratehr than petrol, and once you press your 'gas' pedal you are sending petrol through, hence it starts.

Just ideas, hope they can help.



Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
A/C on is temp dependant so if external sensor it frazzled (they can do this) thats a potential cause. Also if the screen/heater is on demist, a/c is on. Where's yours set?


Oil Burner!
Aug 22, 2006
North East, Darlington
How To

ok here it is the guy i was helping was called dale on another forum.

Ok, dale I’ll try to explain how I did this but I’m not familiar with technical terms and converters, I just know this works and how I did it. This is a long guide trying to make as details as possible please be patient as I garble sometimes.

Turn off the car before doing anything, its always a good start

Ok, disconnect back speakers throw them away get some new ones. Buy an amp I bought the FLI 800s, as advised by a friend.

Get some speaker wire, connecter blocks, screw drivers, AMP wiring kit. Screw drivers, sub, metal file/harsh sand paper.

ok now you are left with those wires in your boot going to the back speakers, I cut off the SEAT/VW adapter off so I just had the bare wires, then I used connector blocks to connect those wires to about 1 meter long speaker wires.

So now you have longer speaker wires in the boot, this is going to be the input for your Amp.

*****Before doing this if your battery lead has a Fuse, remove the fuse just to be safe and prevent sparks ect later..******

Run your wires (remote turn on and battery++) to the front of the car, I ran the cable down the left side of the car under the back seats, pulled off the door sill and put the remote turn on wire AND the battery wire under here, it hides it really well and could not tell its there once its all back together.

Ok pull up the carpet in the passenger foot well your looking for a plug that can be pushed out,(have someone watch the engine bay to see where this goes cause its black put the battery wire through this hole, find the rubber plug pierce a hole in the centre and push it over the battery cable now put the plug back in place on the hole it came from, connect wire to battery, there is a small nut on the ++ terminal on the battery I unscrewed this and placed the O loop on the wire over this and replaces nut - this works fine for me.

Ok now remove the front panel in your car that is your radio/aircon, there is two screws on the underside of this panel that you need to take out, the front panel just clips off after that. Now carefully remove the red clip on the end of the plastic ribbon from the unit behind the panel, place the panel somewhere else so it does not get stood on/broken.

ok now there is 4 Phillips head screws holding the unit into place in each corner, remove the screws and loosen unit might be a fiddle because some of the wires behind there don’t have much give. You are looking for an ISO connector, it’s the bottom one (From memory best check this) this is where you are going to get your remote turn on. Ok firstly now you have the unit out you need to get the remote turn on wire up behind the unit, at this point I placed the car in 3rd gear and balanced the unit on there. Once you have the wire out of the back near your head unit, take the bottom ISO out, it’s the small black wire cut this wire (leave plenty of room just incase you cut the wrong one). Take a connector block, connect it to the end of the wire attached to ISO now on the other end of the connector block place your remote turn on lead and the other end of the black wire you just cut screw together, put the unit back in place and replace the 4 screws.

The remote turn on wire is just to send a signal to your amp telling it to, TURN ON as given away in its name.

Ok time to connect the wires in the boot to the amp.

Connect the remote turn on and the +++ wire to the amp. Connect the Input wires to your amp, make sure you get right/left in the right place (I don’t know if this matters but I did it anyway)

Now you need to create a GROUND point this normally by a Ground wire about 2 foot long maybe shorter, ok firstly you need to locate somewhere to connect this, since your going to need to screw it in try and find somewhere you can attack it to, for this I used my changer as it was already attached, unscrew the cd changer file/sand away the paint under where the screw attaches(just 1 screw) now place the O loop of your earth cable under and re-screw the cd-changer in. Connect the ground cable to your amp.

ok, now to test the Amp to see if you have it wired correctly, replace the fuse in the ++cable (if you removed it) now its time to connect the front panel to the head unit connect it up via small ribbon cable with red clip, clip it back on just for this test, screw it if your sure you've done it right! And got the right cable for remote turn on.

Ok start your car

Turn on the radio, go take a look at the amp in the boot and see if it’s alive (lights, display, something to indicate there is power) If its all fine at that point turn the car off

Ok now you need to attach your speakers/sub to the amp. The FLI 800s has Front and back output connectors, connect the back speakers to the front part as you are going to connect your sub to the back part.

Because the sub is the only one on the back use the bridged settings (more power this way) you will not be able to bridge the front ones as you have 2 speakers so all 4 connectors are used LR RL.

Your amp will now be taking the bass signal from the inputs and sending it to the sub if you have it set right (READ MANUAL!!!!)

Now your system should work correctly, its jsut a matter of tidying up wires and attachting sub/amp i'll try to get some pictures later if you'd like. but i'm at work at the moment.

Ok, the Pro's out there, did i miss anthing or do anything stupid?? let me know i'll alter it.

hope this helps