not true...i know people running over 20psi with dv blocked off for 3...4...5 years and its fine
cant confirm that on 20vt tho
try it and find out
alot of cars can run without a DV etc...
norris designs actually remove the dv off Evo's as one of the first modifications they do before they carry out any work, because of exactly what acid says, no lag etc etc, if you can change gear fast enough the turbo will keep spinning without stalling (chatter) so iv been told, how true this is, i dont know
what i do know is alot of well respected people on here from tuners/even none tuners etc etc will probably have a heart attack if you told them you blocked off the dv for the "chatter" noise on a 20vt
im sure someone will be here soon with a more technical explanation on why its a bad idea .....