Warm Up - Cool Down


I allways let my car idle for a while if I have been thrashing it, not to let the turbo cool down , but to let the turbo slow down. A turbo spins at many tens of thousands RPM and if you switch the engine off with the turbo still spinning all the oil will spin out of the turbo & likely to cause damage.


i let it sit in the morning for 5 mins no matter what the weather, never take it above 2k when cold and never use more than 1/2 throttle till she is warm
an leave it for 2 mins after arriving at my destination


I think some people are making a mountain out of a molehill here and will have part-exed their Leons for something newer and shinier well before any of the issues brought about by the treatment of their cars comes to fruition. That said, if you are really going to be getting into your 170k mile Leon hoping you have been fastidious enough in your warm-up/down routine to get to 200k then this thread will have been useful. Me? I love my Cupra long time and I appreciate all the good stuff posted here.


Dec 10, 2006
Simply put....

Treat your LEON like you treat your lady....

Give her a good warming and after youre done, let her cool down a little

No difference... :cartman:


Simply put....

Treat your LEON like you treat your lady....

Give her a good warming and after youre done, let her cool down a little

No difference... :cartman:

I do , give her regular servicing (done properly) and a weekly dam good thrashing.


status subject to change
i let it sit in the morning for 5 mins no matter what the weather, never take it above 2k when cold and never use more than 1/2 throttle till she is warm
an leave it for 2 mins after arriving at my destination

you would be better off letting it tick over for a few seconds, then run it gently at a constant speed than leave it ticking over for 5 mins.
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