I have 400 points since I've never used the micropayment apps so in the old model you got points when you used it. I detest macros so if I can't see what it's doing it pretty dangerous to run micropayment apps. Easy enough to program with
Obdeleven Pro.
Only really screen toggles and passing long strings. Distributed control systems. I remember our computer science lecturer getting very excited about distributed control system and this thing called "parallel processing"
. Was the 70s. Happy to roll up my sleeves with a tablet and a dongle feels like programming a PDP7 in the small computer room. No punch tape or a teletype 43. Minor in computer science more interesting than a minor in physics. Major in maths. Computer science was fun. We were front runners the first year they taught computer science in the school of applied sciences. Cutting edge stuff
. It hasn't really changed much (the underlying knowledge), theory from applied. Putting theory into practice. Only seven of us that year.
The car system is a distributed control system and the devices in our hands have many core parallel processesors in them - the hardware didnt do parallel processing then, a concept. Happy to go back to basics than run some unknown bit of code via macros that you have to take on faith that might mess your car up.