Track Rod Ends - Snapped Bolt!


Hi guys,

Trying to remove the Track rod ends on my mk3 cupra.

They are inverted, and proving really difficult to remove.

After using anti-seize and heat they still wouldnt turn, then the nut and bolt sheared off rather than turning, when applying force so now its still attached but the rod end is broken off inside the mount.

I've tried drilling them out but that hasnt worked.

My Question is should i use - or will i be able to use a Ball Joint Splitter? If so which one is best? Fork or Scissor.
Hoping i can still pry this out but theres no bolt and thread, so will i be able to get any leverage?




Thanks DPJ,

I was just trying to undo the nut at first, but its so tightly rusted in it might as well have been welded! Just broke off when i was trying to turn it - wasnt using a great deal of force either!

Would rather use a splitter now than have to cut through it! There isn't a specific (VAG) fork i should get is there?

Hope it works ok,

Thanks for the advice,



Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
I would think that in its present state, you could try hitting the arm it gets fitted into - using two hammers at the same time - opposite sides of the arm if you can reach - just a couple of well aimed and timed whacks should make it jump out of the arm. I mean hitting in a horizontal plane - not up or down!


Im a bit confused about what you mean exactly RUM4MO!?

How will this cause it to jump out? Hitting it on an Horizontal plane when in effect its stuck in a joint on a vertical plane. The pin is stuck in the mount hole and needs to be forced up to remove it (as the rod is inverted ie ball joint on top). Haven't had any problem removing it from the tie bar.



Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
The vertical bolted in bit of the track rod end is tapered and fitted into a tapered hole in the arm - if you hit it with two hammers you will squeeze/shock the taper and this should cause the track rod end to jump out!
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