Tom Tom 920


I know its off the subject of leons, but i know a few of you guys use tom tom sat navs..

Just bought the new 920 with the traffic master.. In order for the traffic master to work, you need to establish a wireless data connection betwen the tom tom and your phone. Iv got a sony ericson w880i on o2 pay n go. Iv been throguh the automatic set up on the tom tom but for some reason it cannot establish the wireless data connection..

Anyone know how to sort this out? same unit? same phone etc?

Any help appreciated..



Fear The Inferi
Dec 2, 2007
I know its off the subject of leons, but i know a few of you guys use tom tom sat navs..

Just bought the new 920 with the traffic master.. In order for the traffic master to work, you need to establish a wireless data connection betwen the tom tom and your phone. Iv got a sony ericson w880i on o2 pay n go. Iv been throguh the automatic set up on the tom tom but for some reason it cannot establish the wireless data connection..

Anyone know how to sort this out? same unit? same phone etc?

Any help appreciated..

Have you sorted it matey?
Did you check you had the bluetooth visability set to see all.
Smiler ;)


No sadly it still not sorted, dunno if its just me not knowing what im doing or if its the phone.. the bluetooth works perfecty, automatically connects, handsfree works great etc, i just cannot figure out how to establish a wireless data conncection. it goes through the process of setting it up then fails... im stumped...



My first post, been looking around the site for a while and have learnt a lot, was lucky enough to get a Leon FR as my company car :D.

Unfortunatly, you will find that you can't use O2 PAYG with TomToms (and any other sat nav i believe) due to the restrictions. You need a GPRS connection for it to work which O2 has, but they are funny about how you use it. I had the same problem with a TomTom one and Tesco PAYG who is essentially O2 as they rent network bandwidth from them. When I spoke to tesco's, they told me tomtom's will not work as they are bound by O2 :cry:. When I tried it with a T-mobile contract, it worked straight away.

Hope that helps.



Thanks alot for your help guys, much appreciated. So i guess i either have to ring o2 and see if they can sort something out for me or get a new contract...


ok well iv just rang o2 and they have reset my gprs settings.. still no joy though... Would an actual o2 monthly contract allow me to use these features or is it o2 as a whole with the issue and not just PAYG?


Active Member
Aug 28, 2007
Milton Keynes
ok well iv just rang o2 and they have reset my gprs settings.. still no joy though... Would an actual o2 monthly contract allow me to use these features or is it o2 as a whole with the issue and not just PAYG?
I used to have an O2 contract, and used something called Traffic-I on my Sony Ericsson P900. It connected to Trafficmaster and show you delays on all UK roads.

This needed GPRS, and full access GPRS is only avaliable to O2 contract customers, mainly because of the huge bill you can potentially build up @ £3/MB. You'll need a contract for sure, or switch provider to Vodafone, T-Mobile or Orange, who allow full access to pay as you go customers to. Aviod "3" altogether!


Thanks for that mate, apreciate it... So is it really that expensive to use this feature of the sat nav? £3/MB? that means nothin to me im afraid (bit of a technophobe) How often do you receive the traffic updates? and what kind of cost would u expect to run up on a 2 hour journey?



Active Member
Aug 28, 2007
Milton Keynes
When I used the Traffic-I system, updates were prvided in real-time. As soon as a delay was added to trafficmster's network, my phone had it. Very cleaver, but used up a lot of GPRS airtime.

The cost on O2 (This was about 12 months ago!) is £3 for every megabyte of data you download. I would use it for about 10-15 hours a week and it would add about £9 a week to my phone bill. It's not bad when you consider that it only used 3MB of airtime over a week to get the updates, but O2's lousey pricing made it expensive. I have sinced moved to Vodafone contract, and still use the Traffic-I service, and never run over my 25MB allowance I get every month, so there are cheaper ways of doing it :)

A 2 hour journey would most lilkey cost you only 25-30p, so maybe if you only use it a little it wont be so bad. Each program is also different, Traffic-I was not a huge bandwidth muncher, but yours might be different.


Thats very helpful, thanks alot. I would only be using it now and then so sounds quite cheap really, This traffic network i beleive is tom toms own (Tom Tom Traffic), but even if it works the same as the sony and updates as soon as there is a delay, still worth the cost. All i need to do now then is change over to a monthly contract.

Do i need to request full GPRS access when i do this or will it be automatically available?
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