
Sep 25, 2023
I have a Seat Ibiza (2015) (right-hand drive) which recently had a major service and a new battery. Now there is a thudding sound that seems to come from behind the glove compartment on the left. It starts when the ignition is turned on (i. e. before starting the engine) and is very regular - about one thud a second for 20 - 30 seconds; then it stops. If the engine is started during this period the thuds continue for a few seconds, but the engine's performance does not seem to be affected, and there are no warning lights. I have felt in the glove compartment but can feel no vibration; and nothing appears to be happening under the bonnet. The sound is not metallic - it is almost as if a little creature is trapped in there and is knocking with a piece of wood to attract attention!

I am mystified as to the possible cause, as it happens before the engine is started. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Active Member
Feb 28, 2023
Don’t know much about this but based on other VAG I’ve had / got, could it be the heater as the motor for that is behind glove box? Makes sense it’s doing it before engine running too. They can get slow or stuck when trying to cycle
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