Audible vibration above 30MPH but stops under braking

Jun 7, 2023

My car has given me many issues and so I'm very sound sensitive (doesn't help that Ibiza have loud feedback in the car from the engine bay).

When I'm driving, as soon as I reach 30MPH there seems to be something vibrating in the left (passenger side) of the engine bay which you can hear audibly in the car. The sound doesn't get louder, it only starts and stops due to speed (30MPH+). However I have also noticed the sound happening at lower speeds, but that's only when going up a steep hill (engine under load)

Then there is another instance that I could also be travelling at 40MPH and as soon as I press the brake (even gently) the vibration will stop.

The only thing I have noticed is that my filter box is missing a screw, so it is a tiny bit lose - but I don't expect that to make the kind of vibrating noise I hear (kind of a constant rapid vibrating sound). Nothing else seems lose or incorrect, and there is nothing in the glove box.

Any ideas on what this could possibly be? Quite the weird one and nothing I could replicate whilst stationary.
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