Thinking Of Selling Mk3 Cupra


Full Member
Apr 29, 2003
North east teesside
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Evening all

Bought wor lass this for Christmas and she loves everything about it bar the suspension/ride so I bought and fitted the H&R Cup kit and admittedly the ride is better and handling is tranformed, not that's is high on her list of priorities :doh: :D but for what she is using it for it's to focused so thinking of flogging it for something a bit more lady friendly :cry: unless any of you chaps can recommend a kit that will soften it :confused:


Thanks in advance :lol:


Full Member
Jun 8, 2004
Stroud Glos ,England
Seat sport kit. I ran it for a year or so and it was really good, softer than standard, lowered it by only 15mm but handled well.
Or KW coilovers wich i run now and even with the car droped loads it still has a perfect ride.

Adam R

Diesel ISN'T a Dirty word
Mar 5, 2007
lee in the solent
1.4 :doh: nee chance mate sorry :happy:

I paid 5k and have put on the H&R kit, Badger 5's hubcentric spacers and a Forge DV007 however I am fully aware you don't get your money back mods :headhurt: so not sure what to put it up at if I do sell it

did say i would give you some cash aswell as my 1.4 ;)


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
Your right mate, I would say somewhere between 4.5k-5k seems to be the going rate but have not really looked into properly yet

you're right

it was priced to sell - with haggling 'not an option' and was sold the same day...

no point messing about for 500 quid or so and wasting however many days cleaning over & over, waiting in for people to not turn up, fuel costs for test drives etc ect - so I took the exec decision to sell for what it's worth - and to be honest, it's all they are worth IMO
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)