TCS & Diagnosis Light


Your scaring me.......
Feb 24, 2005
Very strange thing happened, just coming off a roundabout today, slow moving, saw a gap, into second, strong accelerate, then a loud thud, loss of power, power returns, and the TCS light comes on. Pull over , check all ok under the bonnet, restart and the Diagnosis light comes on as well as TCS light.

Power delivery seems ok, just done a search and it looks like the MAF, problem is , car has only done 3500 miles and only just fitted RAM Air Induction Kit. Any suggestions ?

Dealer Fix or DIY FIx ?


Just Cruising...
Jul 19, 2003
West Somerset
Visit site
I forgot to re-connect my MAF once and it brought up those two lights... but if yours is connected and the lights are on, then it points towards a very dead maf...

...but, as m0rk says, can't really say for sure without vag-com.


Your scaring me.......
Feb 24, 2005
doesnt sound good, so why should the mAF fail then, it is to do with the Ram Air Induction, or just one of those things ?


Just Cruising...
Jul 19, 2003
West Somerset
Visit site
Probably just one of those things... heavily oiled induction kits can kill them, but I don't think the ramair has that problem... also the induction kit would slowly kill the maf, rather than it suddenly go...


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Please could someone explain why the TCS light should come on if the MAF has gone?? :confused:

BTW - I have a theory as to why the MAF might go as a result of fitting the RAM Air Induction Kit (as I have done) :blink:


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Empi5 said:
let me have your theory please m8

Can anyone answer the TCS light question?

Empi - the Ram Air is 'only' mounted solidly at its MAF end. That mounting is a bit of a see-saw pivot. The Ram Air is quite heavy and the MAF is light. This means that the Ram Air gives the MAF a good shaking.



Your scaring me.......
Feb 24, 2005
makes sense DPJ, well ive just come back from the dealer, and the reason they say its happened: TOO MUCH COLD AIR ! i give up, they cleared the diagnosis light, but hour an hour later it came back on, they couldnt clear the TCS Light, saying by putting the original air box will rectify it, i cant see how !! So it looks like ive got no traction control ! Im going to disconnect the battery and reset it tonight, to see if that helps.


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Empi5 said:
makes sense DPJ, well ive just come back from the dealer, and the reason they say its happened: TOO MUCH COLD AIR ! i give up, they cleared the diagnosis light, but hour an hour later it came back on, they couldnt clear the TCS Light, saying by putting the original air box will rectify it, i cant see how !! So it looks like ive got no traction control ! Im going to disconnect the battery and reset it tonight, to see if that helps.

I fail to see why the TCS light should be on - please please please would someone explain?

Empi - please see PM


Your scaring me.......
Feb 24, 2005
well if it doesnt work by resetting the ECU looks like its a new MAF then. I can kiss goodbye to the warranty work, as the dealer have already said, ive invalidated it by fitting the induction kit. Live n learn i suppose

But then again power delivery is still as good, the only thing thats wrong is that ive got two lights on the dash, so whats the point in changing the MAF !!!!!!!
Last edited:


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
Too much cold air? Hmmm. Nope.

RamAir on ickle Lupo is running fine and dandy with no crossover/coating etc, so thats not likely to be a cause.

MAF's do fail which we know.

Sudden shocks to MAF's can kill them stone dead. (low or no sensor signal)

As with all mods, dealers can take a defensive point of view as its a great "get out of jail card" whether the cause is related or not.

Best to check with VAG-COM what faults has occured. TCS light comes on as a flag of a logged error to catch your eye on the dashboard. If sensor signal too low or no sensor signal then MAF may well have expired.

For improved mounting, you could try adjusting the support bracket to the MAF to include a rubber/foam mounting to absorb sharp shocks perhaps. (or if supporting the RamAir housing by other means, allow the housing to float, and not carry over severe vibration/shock.

Any of you got VAG-COM to check the logged fault?



Your scaring me.......
Feb 24, 2005
Hi Bill,

No ive not got VAG- Com but definitly looks the way forward. If the MAF is dead, would performance/boost be compromised, cause i have not experienced any difference, still as sharp as it was before the incident occurred.


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
Empi5 said:
Hi Bill,

No ive not got VAG- Com but definitly looks the way forward. If the MAF is dead, would performance/boost be compromised, cause i have not experienced any difference, still as sharp as it was before the incident occurred.

The engine can run surprisingly well with a dead MAF as the ECU assumes airflow from the other sensors. Would feel a bit less smooth tho.

A couple of years ago not long after being IHI'd I drove over one of those rubber cable covers you get at temporary traffic lights etc... I was chasing a motorbike thru the lights at the time, and as soon as I went bang over this abrupt rubber lump the TCS light came on but the car drove on boost pretty similar. It was a bit on off ish on partial throttle after. Got home, logged in and MAF sensor Signal too low. Not no sensor signal but too low. Dead anyhows. Replaced and thought nothing more of it. A few weeks later, @ Donington, drove round bumping up the kerbs as you do :p and came back thinking its a bit on-off throttle now.. having driven with TCS off, so light was on. Started car up for next session some 1/2 hour later and TCS light came on and stayed on... yep, it had gone again, same fault. I put it down to excess vibration/shocks which killed it. Foam mounted the airfilter on its heatshield so shocks could'nt get to it and its never gone again. (touches wood)

The logged falt code will confirm the problem.
If in doubt tho, it certainly could'nt hurt mounting things so there's more compliance and more vibration/shock absorbtion possible. Maybe reusing the bottom mounting off the OE airbox which is a rubber bush affair for the lower mount.
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