I have been trying to find some decent external door sill covers for some time but the only ones fitting the Tarraco seemed to be those ghastly Tiguan (with the lettering and all, bleurgh) that frankly didn't look at all good quality-wise either.
Finally, though, some decent ones popped up on eBay (they are relatively expensive, I know, but you get what you pay for) so I am now able to cover the extensive scratching (I blame the kids all the way here) and have some protection at least.
Will see how they fare longevity wise but the inners have remained in very good nick (they are also high-grade, quality aluminium) so I am hopeful.

Finally, though, some decent ones popped up on eBay (they are relatively expensive, I know, but you get what you pay for) so I am now able to cover the extensive scratching (I blame the kids all the way here) and have some protection at least.
Will see how they fare longevity wise but the inners have remained in very good nick (they are also high-grade, quality aluminium) so I am hopeful.