Suspension kits - what do people recommend - and NOT FK


Full Member
Jan 13, 2006

sorry to hijack this thread but am looking at lowering my 1.8 20VT 2004 leon cupra.

my head is buzzing looking at kits and pabs has kindly pointed out that a drop in excess of 35mm can cause probs with the driveshaft if I dont get new ARB(s?) fitted and i can't afford to do that at the mo and ideally my budget stop at £500 (inc fitting). so have been concentrating my efforts on looking at kits with a 35mm max drop.

have saw these:

1130-2707 Leon 1.8 Turbo & 1.9TDi Koni 30-35mm Sports Suspension Kit £361 (inc vat and shipping) @:

( )

Also, i've got standard 17's on so i'm not sure that it'll look all that different: any views??? I'd really like the car lower to fill that orrible gap between the arches and the tyres. could i get new springs and a ARB's when i have more cash at a later date to lower further or would i need new dampers too?

i'm pretty confused at the mo and with all the chat about budget i thought i'd try to keep to decent brand names like KOni so that if it went tits up i'd have some come back.


Forum Sponsor
Mar 6, 2006
Pabs said:
well my springs and shocks are at the garage now :) Finally, after a slight mess up with the original ones, they arrived damaged. However, Sarah at Awesome, was AWESOME, and managed to chase up Koni and get a replacement set asap. Chuffed to bits, so thanks Sarah & Awesome!!!

So I'll have the Eibach springs and FSD's on just before Trax, which will be nice :)

I'll get pics and info up when i can!
Hi Mate
Yes I remember that.
At least they have arrived now and in good condition.
Did they pick up the other ones?
I am sorry you had the problem in the first place.
Take care Pabs
Oh and you could have told me who you was when you ordered them.
Anyway hope all goes well , as you will love these.

Just a pointer , yes they can be used with OEM springs


Active Member
May 3, 2004
Yes Sarah, old ones were collected as well.

I thought I did tell you who i was... but hey, now u know eh? lol
Good news about the OEM springs - if i sell the car I can put back to stock ride height :)

No doubt I'll post my thoughts on the FSD's once they are on the car!
Thanks again


Forum Sponsor
Mar 6, 2006
You may have dome , sorry I do have many blonde moments in my day.
And I am brunette lol
Yes let us know what you think.
As has been said many on the Uk Mkiv site have done the Eibah and FSD combo and they are lovin them.
Well have fun.
If I can help give me a shout and do it loudly as I may be having another moment.
Thank you


Active Member
May 3, 2004
Ok peeps - for those who are interested:

New FSD's on today. Not had chance to use them "properly" yet, but initial signs are ALL positive :)

Car is higher than with the FK kit, so i don't bottom out quite so much. I expect it to settle a bit, but I'm happy :)

Ride is comfortable - so much better than the bumpy FK ride... I saw the play in the FK's and it has got worse than it was before.

Big bonus though - Car now does NOT have the random wheel wobble, and... wait for it..... ITS IN A STRAIGHT LINE!!!!! NO MORE PULLING TO THE LEFT!!!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!


Active Member
May 3, 2004
thanks dude. I am sooo happy that the car finally drives in a MUCH straighter line - in fact, if anything, it feels like its going to the right a bit - but I'm certain thats just because I'm used to going left! lol

Ride is much more comfortable. Now question is, what do I do with the old kit? Sell as is - for dirt cheap money, on ebay, or try and repair them and sell them on?


have you had alook at it, will it be hard to fix if so sell dirt cheap if not fix it, if that makes any sence


Active Member
May 3, 2004
well I'm very impressed with my new kit now - far superior (for my use anyway) than the coilovers - softer ride, superb road handling, and has already started to drop a good few mm and its only been on the car a couple of days (although a fair old whack of miles with VWA/Trax weekend!)


Active Member
May 3, 2004
there will be a few pics on the way.... just so tired after trax.

The car isn't as low as the fk's.... but thats a good thing IMO - I think they were a little too low for me.


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
isn't that the point with coilovers (that you have adjustable height)

Most people that fit them just wind them all the way down though :(


Active Member
May 3, 2004
m0rk said:
isn't that the point with coilovers (that you have adjustable height)

Most people that fit them just wind them all the way down though :(

Well tbh mate I had them set at a 30mm drop, and they dropped again after settling in. then I had them raised about a month or 2 after having them installed, and they dropped again... FK told me that the MINIMUM drop was 30mm, and that I couldn't go any higher due to incorrect spring compression etc.

TBH after putting these FSD's on (and eibach springs) the overall lowering of the car was about 10mm, and I'm sure the Eibach springs were supposed to give a 30mm drop. However, as said I'm sure they are dropping a bit now, so might reach closer to the 20mm drop which would be cool :)
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